Academe UPDate Online 2018 Mar 27

71 faculty members appointed UP Scientists

UP recognized the hard work and exceptional research productivity of its faculty members by appointing 71 of them as UP Scientists of various ranks under the Scientific Productivity System (SPS) in ceremonies at the Ang Bahay ng Alumni on Mar. 21. The scientists were appointed for the period 2017 to 2019. Of the total appointees, 13 or 18.3 percent were from UPD. Named Scientist I were: College of Science (CS) professors Dr. Fredegusto Guido P. David; Dr. Laura T. David; …
Academe UPDate Online 2018 Mar 21

Hokkaido University liaison office opened

(11 Apr.)—A delegation from Hokkaido University (HU) in Japan and officials of the University of the Philippines formally opened the HU nook at UP Diliman (UPD) on Mar. 6. Located at the ground floor of the Diliman Interactive Learning Center, the nook is the first facility of its kind set up by an international university at UPD, Chancellor Michael L. Tan said. The nook is a liaison office designed to facilitate the participation of UPD students and faculty members…
Statements UPDate Online 2018 Jan 26

Statement on the Marine Scientific Research of the Chinese Oceanographers in the Northeastern Philippines

By: The Marine Science Institute, UP Diliman Jan. 26, 2018 The University of the Philippines Marine Science Institute (UPMSI), College of Science, UP Diliman (UP SCIENCE) would like to clarify some of the issues regarding the on-going MSR (Marine Scientific Research) of Chinese scientists in the northeastern Philippines where the Philippine Rise (Benham Rise) is located. The Chinese MSR’s objectives The research cruise by the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IOCAS) using the research vessel Ke Xue aims to measure temperature, salinity and current distributions in several locations along a line (transect) at 18°N and 8°N, and to deploy instruments at…
Academe 2017 Dec 14

Digong vs. the Catholic Church

President Rodrigo Duterte is known for his colorful language and sometimes incendiary commentary, but is any of it truly harmful? Actually, it is. According to a 2017 study by Profs. Yvonne Chua, Maria Diosa Labiste and Maria Cristina Rara of the College of Mass Communication, 13 of the speeches Duterte made against the Catholic Church can be classified as “hate speech,” according to their analyses. Hate speech. Harvard professor Jeremy Waldron defines hate speech as “abusive, insulting and demeaning and stirs up hatred vs. individuals or groups.” The intention of such language is…
Academe 2017 Oct 14

SocMed redefines news

The shift towards social media (SocMed) as the main platform for discussion and information has led to a redefinition of news.  This was the premise of the lecture “Social Media as Site of News and Political Discourse” by Prof. Clarissa C. David, PhD, at the Pi Gamma Mu Inaugural National Conference on Oct. 13 at the NISMED auditorium. The public can no longer tell fact-based from opinion-based stories because the lines have been blurred, David said. Speaking before a gathering of academics and guests, she talked about Facebook in particular, describing it…
Campus UPDate Online 2017 Aug 14

Remembering Posadas

UP Diliman (UPD) held a necrological service to honor its fifth chancellor, Dr. Roger D. Posadas, on Aug. 24 at the Loyola Memorial Chapel along Commonwealth Avenue, Quezon City. Paying their last respects were former colleagues in the academe, friends and former students. Among those who spoke were UP President Danilo L. Concepcion, former UP presidents Emerlinda R. Roman and Francisco Nemenzo Jr., former Commission on Higher Education (CHED) chair and UPD professor and now University of the East President Dr. Ester A. Garcia, UP Professor Emeritus Randolf David, Ben Belo,…
Research UPDate Online 2017 Aug 08

1 in 3 Pinays use traditional over modern contraceptives

(AUG. 8) — A recent study on Filipino women who use contraceptives showed that in the past 10 years, one in every three women relied more on traditional contraceptive methods rhythm and withdrawal than modern methods. The Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) Working Paper “Ten Years of Traditional Contraceptive Method Use in the Philippines: Continuity and Change” by Maria Paz N. Marquez, Maria Midea M. Kabamalan and…
Students UPDate Online 2017 May 04

UPD honors cream of the crop

(MAY 4) — UP Diliman’s (UPD) best and the brightest University Scholars (US) in the undergraduate and graduate level and those who distinguished themselves in various fields were recognized at the Parangal sa Mag-aaral 2017 in a ceremony held at the University Theater on Apr. 27. The Office of the University Registrar shows that in the first semester of Academic Year (AY) 2016-2017, UPD had a student population of 25, 782. University Scholars (US) are students who have earned a General Weighted Average (GWA) of not lower than 1.25 in the second semester…
Students UPDate Online 2017 Apr 10

Back to blue: ALYANSA dominates USC 2017 election

(APR. 10) — Benjie Allen D. Aquino, Alyansa ng mga Mag-aaral para sa Panlipunang Katwiran at Kaunlaran (ALYANSA) standard bearer, was elected chairperson of the UPD University Student Council (USC) defeating Student Alliance for the Advancement of Democratic Rights in UP (STAND UP) standard bearer Ben Galil R. Te in an election held on Apr. 6. Aquino garnered a total of 4, 143 votes while Te earned 2,540 votes. Aquino, a student from Virata School of Business (VSB), succeeds former USC chair and STAND UP member Christian Bryle Leano. This year, Nagkakaisang Iskolar para…
Students UPDate Online 2017 Apr 10

Back to blue: ALYANSA dominates USC 2017 election

(APR. 10) — Benjie Allen D. Aquino, Alyansa ng mga Mag-aaral para sa Panlipunang Katwiran at Kaunlaran (ALYANSA) standard bearer, was elected chairperson of the UPD University Student Council (USC) defeating Student Alliance for the Advancement of Democratic Rights in UP (STAND UP) standard bearer Ben Galil R. Te in an election held on Apr. 6. Aquino garnered a total of 4, 143 votes while Te earned 2,540 votes. Aquino, a student from Virata School of Business (VSB), succeeds former USC chair and STAND UP member Christian Bryle Leano. This year, Nagkakaisang Iskolar para…