
UPD members enhance knowledge and skills

July 15, 2024
Four of UP Diliman’s (UPD) faculty members and one student were given opportunities to learn more about their respective fields and enhance their skills abroad. Receiving fellowships and a scholarship from universities and organizations were Rommel B. Rodriguez, PhD, a professor at the UPD Departamento ng Filipino at Panitikan ng Pilipinas (DFPP); April J. Perez, an assistant professor at DFPP; Sir Anril P. Tiatco, PhD, a professor at the UPD Department of Speech Communication and Theatre Arts; and Aletheia Kerygma B. Valenciano, an assistant professor at the UPD Department of Political Science. Rodriguez. Photo by Jefferson Villacruz, UPDIO Representing the country in a leadership summit is Juanquine Carlo R. Castro, a student at the UPD National College of Public Administration and Governance. Rodriguez was accepted as a fellow in the Protective Writing Fellowship for Human Rights Defenders 2024 (Protective Writing Fellowship) of the University of York, United Kingdom, while Perez was accepted as a participant in the Lancaster Summer School (LSS) at Corpus Linguistics for Language Learning, Teaching, and Testing of Lancaster University, United Kingdom. Rodriguez’ fellowship lasted for three months and was one of two fellowships organized by the Center for Applied Human Rights (CAHR) of the University of York, stated on the CAHR website. It started in May. The CAHR website states the Protective Writing Fellowship is “a new initiative aimed at strengthening the capacity of human rights defenders at risk who are in leadership positions within local human rights movements and organizations. It builds on and complements our Protective Fellowship Scheme for Human Rights Defenders at Risk, which we have run since 2008.” Perez. Photo by Jerald DJ. Caranza, UPDIO During their stay, fellows “benefit both from time away from a difficult environment, and from educational resources designed to increase their effectiveness and their ability to influence policy and practice when they return home,” the CAHR website states. Meanwhile, the LSS website states that the Corpus Linguistics for Language Learning, Teaching, and Testing is “held annually during the summer at Lancaster University.” It is “aimed at students, researchers, and teachers who are interested in analyzing language data using quantitative (corpus) methods research. The summer school focuses on using corpus methods to analyze learner language and on applying corpus findings in language teaching and assessment,” the website adds. This annual program “takes place under the aegis of the ESRC Centre for Corpus Approaches to Social Science (CASS), which is the recipient of The Queen’s Anniversary Prize for Higher and Further Education. CASS is investigating the use of language related to important social topics such as healthcare, poverty, hate crime and language learning,” the website also says.

CHE students fly high

July 15, 2024
Students from the two departments of the UP Diliman College of Home Economics (CHE)—Department of Hotel, Restaurant, and Institution Management (DHRIM) and the Department of Food Science and Nutrition (DFSN)—made their mark at the recent 18th Manila Food and Beverage Expo (18th MAFBEX) and the 50th Department of Science and Technology Food and Nutrition Research Institute Seminar Series Undergraduate Research Competition (50th DOST-FNRI Competition), respectively. Team Ayam Na! composed of DHRIM third year students Audrey Chan, Trishia de Guzman, and Kathleen Mogol were named champions of the Food Wars Asian Hawker Street Food Challenge at the 67th Young Hoteliers Exposition Culinary Competition (67th YHE) on June 16 at the World Trade Center in Pasay City. The 67th YHE was one of the highlights of the 18th MAFBEX. Team Ayam Na! with Eleazar (second from left) and Ranada (right). Photo from the DHRIM Facebook page According to the DHRIM Facebook page, the “innovative Indonesian chicken dish with coconut rice and pickled vegetables” of the team “impressed the judges and select audience members, besting 10 other hospitality and culinary schools participating. The participants were given one hour to prepare and present this elevated Asian street food masterpiece in night market style.” Guiding the team were dedicated coaches Rosanne Nicollette Eleazar, an assistant professor at the CHE and Golda May Ranada, a chef lecturer, also at CHE. This was the first time in over a decade that a UP team participated in the MAFBEX. Two weeks later, three research projects by DFSN students would place in the 50th DOST-FNRI Competition held from July 3 to 4 at the Sheraton Hotel in Pasay City. The DFSN winning authors along with their advisers and other participants from the University. Photo from the DFSN Facebook page Nutrition Knowledge, Eating Practices, and Maternal Characteristics Among Selected Filipino Female Adults Under the Sandwich Generation by Alyssa Arnaco, Juan Diego Caña, Marc Ishmael Pulido, and Dominique Nicole Ricardo won first place under the competition’s Nutrition and Dietetics Category. Their thesis adviser was Maria Fema Aquino, an assistant professor at the DFSN. Meanwhile, Detection of Honey Adulteration with C3, C4, and CAM Sugar Syrups Using Laser-Inducted Breakdown Spectroscopy by Jeremiah Abog with thesis adviser Maria Leonora Lotis Francisco, a professor at the DFSN, and Development of an Analog Meat Product Using Philippine-Sourced Elkhorn Seamoss (Kappaphycus alvarezii) Protein Concentrate by Elise Yabut with thesis adviser Mark Paulo Tolentino, a former assistant professor at the DFSN, won first and third place, respectively, under the competition’s Food Science and Technology category.—With reports from the DHRIM and DFSN

PolSci faculty wins GRADNAS award

July 10, 2024
Edcel John A. Ibarra, an assistant professor at the UP Diliman (UPD) Department of Political Science, is this year’s recipient of the Aileen San Pablo Baviera Prize by the Graduate Research and Development Network on Asian Security (GRADNAS) for his research paper Issue-Based Cooperation on Conflict Resolution in the South China Sea: Exploring Roles for ASEAN Beyond the Code of Conduct. Ibarra. Photo from the UPD Department of Political Science website In Ibarra’s research paper, he stated that “the article offers an original framework that can be used to examine other aspects of conflict in the South China Sea or analyze similar multiparty conflicts.” Among Ibarra’s research interests are territorial and maritime disputes, maritime security and ocean governance, and regional security. According to the GRADNAS website, the committee was impressed with the article “which contributes to the field of Southeast Asia-China international relations. The parsimonious framework supports a clear and systematic analysis of the South China Sea conflict, breaking up the conflict into different types of issues that might be addressed using different modes and with different aims in mind.” The GRADNAS write-up further explains that Ibarra’s work “resonates with the scholarship advocated by Aileen Baviera, in whose name this prize is offered.” The GRADNAS website states that the Aileen San Pablo Baviera Prize is an award that recognizes “impactful academic publications on Southeast Asia-China relations.” The award was named in honor of the late scholar and founding GRADNAS member who was known in the field of Philippine foreign policy and a China specialist, particularly in China’s international and security relations in Southeast Asia. Baviera was the dean of the UPD Asian Center from 2003 to 2009. GRADNAS logo. Image from the GRADNAS website The committee was composed of Evelyn Goh, DPIR, GRADNAS convener and Shedden professor of strategic policy studies at the Australian National University; Helen Nesadurai, PhD, a professor of political economy at Monash University Malaysia and a GRADNAS Senior Scholar Network member; and Alvin Camba, PhD, an assistant professor at the Josef Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver and a GRADNAS Emerging Scholars Network member. According to its website, GRADNAS “promotes Asian security research that effectively combines conceptual rigor and innovation with deep empirical analysis.” Based at the Australian National University, the network is composed of “established scholars from leading universities around the world” and “advanced doctoral students and promising early career researchers in a series of programs for training, exchange, and research collaboration.”


Latest PRE is now online

July 15, 2024
The Philippine Review of Economics (PRE) Volume LXI, No. 1 is now available online. The PRE is a peer-reviewed journal published biannually by the UP Diliman School of Economics (SE) and the Philippine Economic Society (PES). According to the SE and PES, the journal’s contents “are indexed in the Journal of Economics Literature, EconLit, and RePec .” The latest issue has four articles and a book review. Journal cover. Image from the UP Diliman School of Economics The articles are What Next After Hyper Globalization and Export-Oriented Industrialization? (What Next After Hyper Globalization) by Dani Rodrik, PhD; Philippine Industrial Policy Journey: Transforming the Economy in the New Digital Age (Philippine Industrial Policy Journey) by Rafaelita Aldaba of the Department of Trade and Industry; Nexus Between Payments Digitalization and Cash Usage in the Philippines (Nexus Between Payments) by Eloisa Glindro, Rodalee Ofiaza, and Ma. Klarizza Jose; and Claudia Goldin and the Economics of Women and Work (Claudia Goldin and Economics) by Ma. Christina Epetia. What Next After Hyper Globalization tackles the global economy’s changing landscape and its “implications for countries like the Philippines.” Rodrik is the Ford Foundation Professor of International Political Economy at the John F. Kennedy School of Government of Harvard University. In its abstract, the Philippine Industrial Policy Journey examines “Philippines’ evolving industrial policy in light of the accelerated digital transformation catalyzed by the COVID-19 pandemic.” Aldaba is an undersecretary at the Department of Trade and Industry. Nexus Between Payments discusses the gradual transformation of retail payments from cash to digital payments. The authors from the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas stated that “more granular data would help inform strategies for equitable and safe payment choices” and that “it is vital for cash and digital payment infrastructures to adapt and uphold consumer payment choice.” Independent researcher Epetia’s Claudia Goldin and Economics highlights the major contributions of Claudia Goldin to economics “as a field and influence on policy research.” Goldin is an American economic historian who won the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 2023. Meanwhile, the PRE’s Book Review of Agricultural Development in Asia and Africa: Essays in Honor of Keijiro Otsuka by Jude Esguerra states that the book “delves into comparative research across specific contexts and forwards some of the most insightful and less obvious knowledge produced in development economics.” For more of the latest issue of the PRE, visit

UPMV K9 conducts public service mission

July 08, 2024
The UP-MMDA -Vanguard K9 Corps (UPMV) recently held Luntian at Pula, a public service mission at the UP Diliman Department of Military Science and Tactics (DMST) Complex. Co-organized with the UP Vanguard Makati Chapter, the public service mission provided free pet vaccination and free medical services.  One of the pets lined up for vaccinations. Photo from the UPMV According the Philippine Coast Guard Veterinary Service, the one-day affair was able to vaccinate over 200 pets against rabies.  The pet vaccination drive was made possible through the UPMV’s veterinary partners: Philippine Coast Guard Veterinary Service; May Rulibeth Legayo-Javier, DVM; the 105th Squadron 4th Division CGAD National Capital Regio; the Veterinary Student Achievers Society; and the Veterinary Education and Training Society. The public service mission also had a blood donation drive, free health checkups and circumcisions, and a free legal clinic. Food and reading glasses were also given to the attendees.  Two volunteers from the Veterinary Education and Training Society vaccinate a pet against rabies. Photo from the UPMV Satellite stations of the Home Development Mutual Fund / PAG-IBIG Fund, the Government Service Insurance System, the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation, and the Philippine Identification System of the Philippine Statistics Authority were also available at the event.  Luntian at Pula was co-organized by the UP Cadet Alumni Organization, the UP Corps of Sponsors, Serving Hearts, Quirino Memorial Medical Center, UERM Beta Sigma Fraternity, UP Vanguard Gun Club, RiteMed, and JoeMag’s restaurant.  “Through events like this, we hope to remind pet owners that their own health is just as important as their pets’ and that taking care of ourselves is one of the best things we can do for our loved ones. The UPMV K9 Corps is deeply indebted to the UP Vanguard community for the opportunity to join forces in this advocacy,” said UPMV president Elah Tendero. “ Established in 2017, the UPMV is a multisectoral non-profit volunteer partnership and organization among the University of the Philippines, Metro Manila Development Authority, and UP Vanguard Inc.  One of their flagship programs is a series of obedience and search-and-rescue training workshops for civilian pet owners. The program has, to date, trained over a hundred pet-owner teams Luntian at Pula was held on June 29.—With a report from the UPMV
