Article Tatag UP 2020 Apr 28

UPD unfazed by ECQ extension 2
(We’ve got your back Part 5)

(APR. 28)—UP Diliman’s (UPD) unfaltering spirit soldiers on, supporting the country combat COVID-19, as the Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) is extended to May 15 in high-risk areas and placed low-risk areas under General Community Quarantine starting May 1. Infomats. To assist the public, especially children, to better understand the COVID-19 pandemic and provide tips on how to cope, the College of Education (CEd) produced information materials and posted these on their Facebook page. “Beat COVID-19,” ( an infographic on how to avoid the spread of the virus in various…
Article Tatag UP 2020 Apr 20

ECQ extended! UPD marches on (We’ve got your back Part 4)

(APR. 17) – News of the extension of the Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) until Apr. 30 has drawn mixed emotions from most people in the country.  For UP Diliman (UPD) and its stakeholders, this meant intensely keeping its drive to assist the community, frontliners and the general public. Assistance. The UP Law Center Institute of Human Rights posted on its Facebook page ( the “Q&A Bayanihan To Heal as One Act” to better inform the public about RA11469 and on the COVID-19 Emergency Powers on Mar. 24.  The Q&A was in English and Filipino and in the succeeding days,…
Article Tatag UP 2020 Apr 08

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Article Tatag UP 2020 Mar 27

KapitDiliman! We’ve got your back

(MAR. 27) — Heeding UP Diliman Chancellor Fidel R. Nemenzo’s call to “continue to look out for each other,” members of the UPD community—faculty, administrative staff and REPS, students and campus residents mobilized campaigns to help each as others shared their expertise to address the urgent challenges posed by COVID-19 in the country. Like linked arms in the fight against the virus and compelled by the urgent need to serve the people, the initiatives gave birth to UPD’s battle cry: KapitDiliman! Rising to the occasion. …
Uncategorized 2020 Mar 10

Interactive Learning Center—Diliman

Home Basic Info Bulletin Advisories   Academic Contingencies   Hotlines    Basics of UVLe Part I Basics of UVLe Part II Basics of…
Academe UPDate Online 2019 Oct 30

Leading a people-centered Science

(OCT. 29) – Prof. Giovanni A. Tapang, PhD was formally installed as the 7th dean of the UPD College of Science (CS) with his affirmation on Oct. 8 at the CS Administration Building. In introducing Tapang, former CS dean Prof. Jose Maria P. Balmaceda, PhD said if fate had been kinder, he would not be the person doing the turnover and Tapang’s introduction as CS dean. “I know that Dean Perry Ong is in our thoughts today and I am sure he is with us in spirit.” Tapang’s many years in CS…
Research UPDate Online 2019 Sep 06

Latest Philippine Engineering Journal out

(SEPT. 6)—The first issue of the Philippine Engineering Journal for 2019 was released on Aug. 31, with articles on topics ranging from sorption kinetics models to testing bamboo as a building material. Published by the UP Engineering Research Development Foundation for the UP National Engineering Center, the Philippine Engineering Journal is a biannual double-blind peer-reviewed refereed journal that serves as a national medium of exchange of technical information and dissemination of engineering knowledge through the publication of technical papers, technical notes and research briefs. The issue features six research papers with UP…
Students UPDate Online 2019 Aug 08

A grand welcome for the “Izkos and Izkas”

(AUG. 8)—UP Diliman (UPD) welcomed more than 2,000 freshmen, graduate students and transferees at the University Welcome Assembly (UWA) held from Jul. 30 to 31 at the UP Film Center. UWA, formerly known as the Freshmen Welcome Assembly, is a yearly tradition organized by the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs (OVCSA) to introduce freshmen (freshies), graduate students and transferees to administration officials and treat them to a showcase of best performances from UPD’s homegrown talents. According to…
Academe UPDate Online 2019 Aug 07

Tapang is CS dean

(AUG. 6)— Prof. Giovanni A. Tapang, PhD is the new dean of the UPD College of Science (CS). Tapang, appointed by the UP Board of Regents on July 31 at its 1346st meeting, will serve until July 30, 2022. Tapang is Professor 3 at the National Institute of Physics (NIP). His research interests are in sensors, optics and signal processing, and networks and information. He earned his BS, MS and PhD in Physics from UPD in 1996, 1999 and 2002, respectively. He was a Research Visitor at the Computational and Nonlinear Quantum…
UPDate Online 2019 Jun 21

UPD pays tribute to 2019 student achievers

(JUN. 21)— UP Diliman (UPD) paid its student achievers tribute at the Parangal sa Mag-aaral 2019 held at the University Theater on Jun. 19. This year, UPD honored 4,302 University Scholars (US) in the undergraduate and graduate levels and students who have distinguished themselves in various fields. US are students who earned a General Weighted Average (GWA) of not lower than 1.25 in the second semester of Academic Year (AY) 2016-2017 and first semester of AY 2017-2018. The five academic units with the most number of US are the College of Engineering (COE) with 829 awardees, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy…