Notices UPDate Online 2021 Mar 26

SECURITY ADVISORY: Phishing Attempts Posing as UP ICT

To UP Users: Please be informed that there have been reports of phishing attempts from an email address posing as “Admin-ICT- University of the Philippines.” The email will indicate that you need to provide your personal details to prevent your account from being deactivated. Please be advised that said email is NOT being sent by the UP System ICT Support, nor any of UP’s ICT units. Please DO NOT respond to this email, and please do not send your personal information. Kindly delete the email immediately. Moreover, please be wary of emails, SMS, or phone calls asking you to provide any of…
UPDate Online 2020 Jul 03

Plans, Possibilities and Progress: UP academics moving into the“next normal”

The University of the Philippines (UP) is coming to terms with the fact that we can no longer go back to the traditional modes of teaching and learning. However, this “next normal”is also opening up new prospects, platforms, and possibilities for teaching and learning, which UP is set to explore within the next two months. A memorandum released by the UP System Office of the Vice-President for Academic Affairs (OVPAA Memorandum No. 2020-68) dated June 19, 2020 states that even before COVID-19, UP was already planning how UP students…
Tatag UP 2020 Apr 30

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Academe UPDate Online 2020 Apr 08

Cal, 76

(APR. 8) — Former UP School of Urban and Regional Planning (SURP) dean Primitivo C. Cal, PhD passed away on Apr. 8.  He was 76. Cal, an urban and regional planning expert was SURP dean from 2004 to 2007, envisioned the School as a Center of Excellence in urban and regional planning. In the SURP webpage, it was said Cal wanted an “internationally renowned urban and regional planning educational institution with excellent academic programs, faculty members, facilities and support services.” Cal wanted SURP to assist in improving human settlements and the environment through…
Campus UPDate Online 2020 Mar 27

Online Training for UP Staff

To All UP Staff, To assist you in transitioning to online platforms during this time of global health emergency, please be informed that there will be online training sessions for all UP staff, designed to strengthen the Work-From-Home (WFH) capability of UP staff. The online sessions will be conducted via Zoom webinars and will start on Monday, 30 March 2020. The online training sessions will cover the following topics: Google Apps for Work Office Productivity and Collaboration Tools …
Campus UPDate Online 2020 Jan 29

Security Bank grants scholarship to UPD students

(JAN. 29)—Security Bank Foundation, Inc. (SBFI) entered into a memorandum of agreement (MOA) with UP Diliman (UPD) granting scholarship to four deserving students taking courses directly supporting bank operations. Four students from the Cesar E.A. Virata School of Business (VSB) will receive the scholarship grant effective first semester for Academic Year 2019-2020. They are Ivie Luizsa R. Azor (BS Business Administration/BA), Christian Joseph Mallorca (BS Business Administration and Accountancy/BAA), Maryl Denica S. Mondragon (BS BAA) and Jhaera Mae A. Tordesillas (BS BAA). SBFI led by chairman Rafael F. Simpao Jr. and Chancellor Michael…
Campus UPDate Online 2019 Dec 11

The Christmas Tradition at UP

(UP Diliman Information Office, DEC. 11) — Colorful floats, twinkling lanterns, festive participants and spectacular fireworks: nothing defines Christmas at UP Diliman (UPD) better than the annual Lantern Parade. This year, the Parade will be held on Friday, Dec. 13 starting at 5 p.m. around the Academic Oval, culminating at the University Amphitheater. It carries the theme “Pumailanlang,” meaning to soar, where like the mythical Ibong Adarna, one can surpass the suffering and difficulties faced by the country. Like the previous parades, the competition will have two sets of winners: the first from…
2019 Jan 10

University of the Philippines (UP) Privacy Notice for Students (Revised as of the 1st Semester/Trimester 2019-2020)

POLICY To exercise and safeguard academic freedom and uphold your right to quality education, the University of the Philippines needs to process your personal and sensitive personal information—that is, information that identifies you as an individual. UP is committed to comply with the Philippine Data Privacy Act of 2012 (DPA) in order to protect your right to data privacy. This notice explains in general terms the purpose and legal basis for the processing of the typical or usual examples of personal and sensitive personal information that UP collects from…
Academe UPDate Online 2018 Oct 18

UPD gets replica of 1734 Murillo Velarde map

(OCT. 19) — A facsimile of the famous 1734 Murillo Velarde map was turned over to UP Diliman (UPD) on Oct. 4 as part of the opening of the 16th Philippine-Spanish Friendship Day Conference at the NISMED (National Institute for Science and Mathematics Education Development) Auditorium. The 1734 Murillo Velarde map was key in the Philippines’ win against China’s claim of ownership over the South China Sea (West Philippine Sea) at the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) at The Hague in 2016. The donor of the official replica was…
Academe UPDate Online 2017 Apr 03

Building up, reaching out: new Architecture dean sets new directions

Prof. Armin Sarthou Jr. was affirmed as the 8th dean on Mar. 9 of the UP College of Architecture (UPCA) at the UPCA Auditorium as witnessed by the unit’s faculty, student and employees. After an opening performance of UDD’s (formerly Up Dharma Down) “Tadhana” by UPCA students Adelijoy Manuel and Kirstela Pangilinan and an introduction by Cathy Saldaña-Siegel of the UPCA Alumni Foundation, Inc. The short but meaningful affirmation ceremony was officiated by UPD Chancellor Michael L. Tan. Among those present were Sarthou’s…