Academe UPDate Online 2023 May 31

Indiana University Southeast visits CECLV

Delegates from the Indiana University Southeast (IUS) led by Faye Marsha G. Camahalan, PhD recently paid a courtesy call to Chancellor Edgardo Carlo L. Vistan II as guests of the UP Diliman (UPD) College of Education (CEd). Vistan (seventh from left) holds an IUS shirt as Camahalan (eighth from left) holds the gift from UPD. With them are the delegates of both the IUS and CEd. Photo by Jefferson Villacruz, UPDIO. Camahalan, who is dean of the IUS School of Education, is a…
Academe UPDate Online 2023 Apr 27

UPD has 9 new professors emeriti

Nine of the 12 UP faculty members who were recently appointed as professors emeriti are from UP Diliman (UPD). The appointments were approved by the UP Board of Regents at its 1379th meeting on April 3. Of the nine UPD faculty, six belong to the Science and Technology cluster (S&T), two are from the Management and Economics cluster (M&E), and one from the Arts and Letters cluster (A&L). From the S&T, five are from the UPD College of Science (CS) and one from the UPD School of Statistics…
Research UPDate Online 2023 Apr 24

The Gardineros of Sitio Lamut*

Amey Takod Num-A (Let’s Go to the Garden) by Precious Angelica A. Echague of the UP Diliman (UPD) College of Social Sciences and Philosophy tells the story of Kankanaey cut-flower farmers. It is also an examination of cut-flower farming in Sitio Lamut as a local knowledge system, providing livelihood and training to gardineros/locals. Echague said the knowledge systems in her study are the different ways of knowing surrounding cut-flower farming. Title card with Echague (inset). Screenshot of the online colloquium
Campus UPDate Online 2023 Mar 09

UPD has 3 new deans, 1 reappointed

UP Diliman (UPD) has three new deans: Kristoffer B. Berse, PhD of the UPD National College of Public Administration and Governance (NCPAG); Luis Maria T. Bo-ot, PhD of the UPD College of Architecture (CA); and Melisa R. Serrano, PhD of the UPD School of Labor and Industrial Relations (SOLAIR). Meanwhile, Shirley V. Guevarra, PhD will be serving her second term as UPD College of Home Economics (CHE) dean. Their appointments were approved by the UP Board of Regents at its 1378th meeting on Feb. 23. The 16th dean of NCPAG, Berse is an associate…
Extension UPDate Online 2023 Feb 24

UPD initiatives and the Tatak Pinoy program

At a recent meeting with the Office of Sen. Juan Edgardo M. Angara (OSEA), a team of experts from UP Diliman (UPD) presented university initiatives that can possibly dovetail with the senator’s Tatak Pinoy program that aims to strengthen the country’s industries. Led by UPD Chancellor Fidel R. Nemenzo, the experts from UPD were composed of Maria Antonia N. Tanchuling, PhD, dean of the UPD College of Engineering (COE); Laura T. David, PhD, director of the Marine Science Institute (MSI) of the UPD College of Science; Francisco J. Lara Jr., PhD, a professor of…
Students UPDate Online 2022 Dec 15

STAT alumni donate scholarship

UP School of Statistics Alumni Association, Inc. from the UP Diliman (UPD) School of Statistics (STAT) provided financial assistance on Nov. 21 to four deserving students through the Adopt-a-Student program of the UPD Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs (OVCSA). (From left) OSG Officer-in-Charge Teresita G. Villamor-Barrameda, UPSSAAI President Ma. Josefa Rosario Y. Abanilla, Chancellor Fidel R. Nemenzo, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Louise Jashil R. Sonido, and UPSSAAI Board Member and Chair of the Scholarship Committee Francisco N. de los Reyes of STAT….
Academe UPDate Online 2022 Dec 06

UPD has 13 new professors emeriti

Thirteen distinguished UP Diliman (UPD) faculty were conferred the title Professor Emeritus by the UP Board of Regents at its 1376th meeting on Nov. 25. Five faculty came from the social sciences and law cluster (SS&L); the arts and letters cluster (A&L) and the science and technology cluster (S&T) each had three faculty members conferred the title; while the management and economics cluster (M&E) had two. The UPD College of Social Sciences and Philosophy (CSSP) had the most number of new professors emeriti with three, followed by the UPD College of…
Academe UPDate Online 2022 Dec 05

ASP is now SA

The UP Diliman (UPD) Archaeological Studies Program (ASP) is now officially the UPD School of Archaeology (SA). The program’s elevation to a school was approved by the UP Board of Regents at its 1375th meeting on Nov. 10. Tarpaulin announcing the ASP’s elevation to the SA. Image from the ASP Facebook page The elevation means that it is now an independent academic UPD unit which is no longer attached to the Office of the Chancellor. With the SA’s transformation, it…
Campus UPDate Online 2022 Nov 24

BOR appoints 3 UPD deans

The UP Board of Regents at its 1375th meeting on Nov. 10 approved the appointments of three UP Diliman (UPD) deans. Maria Regina Lucia M. Lizares, PhD and Giovanni Francis A. Legaspi were appointed deans of the Cesar E.A. Virata School of Business (VSB) and Asian Institute of Tourism (AIT), respectively. Meanwhile, Joseph Ryan G. Lansangan, PhD will be serving his second term as dean of the UPD School of Statistics (STAT). They will serve from Nov. 10, 2022 until Nov. 10, 2025. New deans
Students UPDate Online 2022 Sep 30

UPD dominates mining licensures

Graduates from UP Diliman (UPD) performed excellently in the August and September 2022 Mining Engineer Licensure Examinations, posting the only 100 percent passing rate among the top-performing schools and securing all but one of the top 10 spots. DMMME. Photo from the UPDIO All 34 examinees from the Department of Mining, Metallurgical, and Materials Engineering (DMMME) of the UPD College of Engineering passed the examinations, making it the top-performing school.