
#TatagUP: resilience, survival and response post-ECQ

Today, May 1, the government modifies the restrictions it has imposed over the last eight weeks as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic: drastic restrictions will be eased in areas under General Community Quarantine. High risk areas under the Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) will know their fate on May 15.

As the nation looks forward to a post-pandemic scenario, UP Diliman (UPD) is easing the transition to post-ECQ.

#KapitDiliman is now #TatagUP: Tugon ng UP Diliman sa Hamon ng COVID-19 ( The change in the portal’s name reflects UPD’s new and forward-looking directions in meeting the unique challenges posed by the lifting of severe quarantine measures while flattening the curve at the same time.

The title is a play on “Tatak UP” and embodies the University’s resilience, survival and response.

The renamed portal will assist all UPD faculty, staff, students, residents, manininda, stall operators and jeepney drivers, among others, providing information on UPD’s new and revised policies and norms.

It has the following 10 sections:

  • Home – compilations of initiatives of UP Diliman (UPD) units reported in KapitDiliman news features
  • COVID-19 Info – relevant information about COVID-19 in the form of infographics and RondaKumusta audio file and script
  • UPD Initiatives – news feature of each of the UPD units’ initiatives
  • Donate – call for donations and ways to donate, both cash and in-kind
  • Hotlines – UPD directory of emergency hotlines and essential services
  • Bulletin – c/o the UP Diliman COVID-19 Task Force
  • Advisories – notices from the various offices in UP Diliman and UP System mainly related to COVID-19, and other relevant memos from the national government
  • UP Memos – memos from the various offices in UP Diliman and the UP System primarily on academic contingencies
  • Learn online – information and links on online learning, teaching and work
  • Post-ECQ – information on post-ECQ operations of UPD (page under construction)

With its three-pronged mandate as a teaching, research and public service university, UP Diliman will march into the future with honor, excellence and solidarity.

Laban, UP Diliman! Laban, Pilipinas!

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