CMC raised funds for non-UP contractual employees and frontliners
“Bayanihan sa CMC,” a cash donation drive, collected over P100,000 for the benefit of the UP College of Mass Communication‘s employees affected by the pandemic.

UP arki designs central referral complex
A UP Diliman College of Architecture professor created a design for a central COVID-19 referral complex.

CEdSC’s donation drive for PWDs and indigent families
The UP College of Education Student Councillaunched “Handog: CESC Donation Drive” which aimed to help PWDs and indigent families during the pandemic.

UP Arki designs swabbing station
UP Diliman College of Architecture lecturer Martin Rinen and his team designed a swabbing or COVID-19 testing station that can be set up in places like barangay basketball courts and/or hospital parking lots.
SOLAIR faculty shares expertise on labor
UP School of Labor and Industrial Relations faculty members shared their expertise to labor initiatives such as legal advice, webinars, and articles.
UP Arki designs portable COVID-19 testing station
A team led by a UP Diliman College of Architecture professor designed a mobile sample testing station that can be deployed to barangays.
UP SOLAIR’s Online Labor Consultation
The UP SOLAIR launched an online labor consultation for employment and HR-related issues experienced by workers because of the lockdown.
UPD Pahinungod’s psychosocial support program
The UPD Ugnayan ng Pahinungód launched a psychosocial support program for UPD students, faculty, staff and alumni.
CEd opens COVID-19 Helpdesk
The College of Education opened a COVID-19 Helpdesk for those suffering psychological stress from being in quarantine.
CMu pays tribute to fallen frontliners and health workers
UP College of Music (UP College of Music-Diliman) faculty and staff performed for frontliners and those who lost loved ones to COVID-19.
UP Pep Squad’s COVID-19 Cheer Challenge
The UP Pep Squad (The University of the Philippines Varsity Pep Squad) released a video cheering the UP community and UP PGH medical frontliners.
CEd’s tips on how to stay holistically well
The UP College of Education created a short video on tips to stay holistically well during a quarantine.
FLCD Circle shares infographics on home activities for children
CHE student organization Family Life and Child Development Circle produced infographics on quarantine home activities for children.
CHK’s “SIPA-in-COVID” information campaign
The College of Human Kinetics launched “SIPA-in COVID, A UP CHK Initiative” an information campaign on short physical activities people can do while in quarantine.
UPCDC recommends activities for families with children
The U.P. Child Development Center developed an audiobook as well as other family activities to help young children cope with a community quarantine.
CHE shares quarantine recipes on “What’s in Your Kitchen?”
The UP College of Home Economics shared economical recipes that people can cook during a community quarantine.
CHE-DFSN’s series of infographics on food safety
The College of Home Economics (UP CHE) partnered with professional nutritionist associations to produce “Farm to Fork,” a series of infographics to ensure food safety during the pandemic.
Opening soon: UPHS telemedicine
Seven UP Health Service (UPHS) specialty clinics will be available through telemedicine and will tentatively serve on Monday, Jun. 8.
CEd shares “An Alphabet Guide on Staying Sane While on Quarantine”
The UP College of Education published an infographic that helps the public cope with the pandemic.
CHE-DCTID’s “Safe and Healthy Home Interior Spaces”
The College of Home Economics (UP CHE and UP CHE Clothing, Textiles and Interior Design Department) published an infographic guide on managing interior spaces.
CEd produces “Beat COVID-19” infographics in various languages
The UP College of Education published “Beat COVID-19” infographics in various languages on their Facebook page.
OSH donation drive
The UP Diliman Office of Student Housing is still accepting donations in for the 353 residents and dorm frontliners and the 185 student boarders on campus.
UPDLCF helps UPD jeepney drivers
UP Le Club Français raised some P 500,000 and distributed 150 relief packs to UPD PUJ drivers affected by the ECQ. Donors were given one-month access to French-language learning materials.
Team from Chem Eng’g applies computational methods to identify drugs that will combat SARS-COV-2
A team from the UP Diliman Department of Chemical Engineering applies computational methods to identify candidate drugs that can possibly combat SARS-COV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19.
CAL’s “KALingain Ang Kapwa Fund”
The U.P. College of Arts and Letters launched a fundraiser to assist for the CAL janitors, security guards and photocopy machine operators and buy supplies for quarantined dormers.
UP Industrial Eng’g Department creates ieHEALS for PGH
The UPD Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Researchcreated and deployed ieHEALS, integrated management system to enable low-risk and systematic flow of patients, healthcare personnel and supplies within hospitals and in COVID-19 Referral Centers.
COE produces powered air-purifying respirator designs and prototypes
The UPD College of Engineering‘s Department of Mechanical Engineering, UP Electrical and Electronics Engineering Institute, and the private sector are developing prototypes of powered air-purifying respirator, a PPE for frontliners that functions much like a water purifier.
CSSP’s Alay KAPPwa donation drive
UP College of Social Sciences and Philosophy launched Alay KAPPwa, a donation drive to benefit the security guards, custodial and construction workers stranded at the Palma Hall due to the ECQ.
UP chemical engineers and chemists develop ChlorGen
UPD College of Engineering‘s Department of Chemical Engineering (UP Diliman Department of Chemical Engineering)l is developing ChlorGen, a facility that can make sodium hypochlorite (the main component of liquid bleach) from brine water so places like hospitals can make their own bleach-based disinfectants.
UP College of Education creates COVID-19 dictionary for Children
UP College of Education faculty created a children’s dictionary with words related to COVID-19: https://bit.ly/3bqp4Zz
UP Dormers assemble face shields for frontliners
Dormers volunteered to assemble face shields for frontliners from frames produced by the various initiatives inside UPD.
COE Creates COVID-19 tracking system
The UP College of Engineering launched TrAMS, a movement tracker for COVID-19 suspect and probable cases and for medical supplies in Metro Manila: https://trams-up-dge.herokuapp.com/
UP College of Law’s “Volunteer Lawyers Against Discrimination (VLAD)”
A group of UP lawyers created VLAD (Volunteer Lawyers Against Discrimination) to assist victims of COVID-19-related discrimination: https://www.facebook.com/pg/VLADCOVID19/
AIT Launches LEAP
The UP Asian Institute of Tourism launched Tourism LEAP (Lives and the Economy for Collective Action Program), which gathers and documents information from tourism MSMEs and tourism officers to create recovery solutions for the industry.
Q&A Bayanihan to Heal as One Act
The UP Law Center Institute of Human Rights Facebook page posted a set of multi-linguial infographics about the Bayanihan to Heal as One Act. See them here: https://www.facebook.com/pg/upinstituteofhumanrights/photos/
NISMED as temporary dorm for Health Care Workers
The UP NISMED opened its doors to health care workers and for now functions as a temporary dormitory.
CHE Department of Food Science and Nutrition’s Padayon ND
“Padayon ND” of the College of Home Economics Department of Food Science and Nutrition (DFSN-CHE UP Diliman) was opened online on Apr. 6 for individuals seeking answers to questions on nutrition. For more information, please visit https://www.facebook.com/PadayonND/
UPIS’ “Messages of Love and Hope for COVID-19 Patients and Frontliners
Grade school students from the University of the Philippines Integrated School made greeting cards dedicated to frontliners and COVID-19 patients to boost morale entitled “Messages of Love and Hope for COVID-19 Patients and Frontliners”: https://bit.ly/2zG06Zg
CSWCD Student Council’s COVID-19 initiatives
The College of Social Work and Community Development Student Council (UP CSWCD Student Council) created a primer on the various fundraisers supporting the college’s partner communities affected by the ECQ and encouraged people to buy fresh produce from the NHA vendors.
UP Bike Share shares 92 bikes to frontliners
UP Bike Share lent out 92 bicycles as temporary transportation for frontliners. To help, message them at https://www.facebook.com/upbikesharing/
UP Subol Society’s donation drive for Pangasinan frontliners
The UP Subol Society Diliman Chapter is pooling cash and in kind donations for frontliners and hospitals in Pangasinan. To help, message www.facebook.com/pg/UPSubolDiliman/
UP Sandiwa raise funds to help Tarlaqueño health workers
UP Sandiwa, the official organization of UP Diliman students from the province of Tarlac, mobilized a cash donation drive to buy PPEs for Tarlaqueño health workers.
Socio Speaks: Unmasking Society’s Virulent Strains
The UP Diliman Department of Sociology launches the podcast “Socio Speaks: Unmasking Society’s Virulent Strains” on Spotify. Listen to it here: https://spoti.fi/35aj4CI
COVID-19 Sensing, IskoOps para kay Chief, and assistance to Sampa: UP Clark-Subic SC and UP LSG
UP Clark-Subic Student Council has launched an online survey to assess the needs of affected students and raised over P20,000 for the security guards on campus. UP Law Student Government – UP LSG has posted a call for suppliers to deliver goods to various residence halls in UPD.

UP Association of Chemistry Majors and Enthusiasts has generated over P 60,000 from merchandise sales to donate to the “Donation and Fundraising Campaign for Health Workers Fighting COVID-19” organized by Kaya Natin! Movement for Good Governance and Ethical Leadership.

Donation drives for families on campus: CHK-SC, CFA-SC
UP CHK Student Council has held a donation drive for their admin and maintenance staff, guards and manininda while the UP College of Fine Arts Student Council has helped families in Villages A and B.

COVID-19 in PH research briefs: CSSP-UPPI
The University of the Philippines Population Institute (UPPI) has published two research briefs on the possible effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Philippine population: https://www.uppi.upd.edu.ph/

Immunity-boosting supplements: All UP Workers Union
The All U.P. Workers Union has distributed Vitamin C and other immunity-boosting supplements to various UPD offices for their frontliners and skeleton workforce. To help, contact https://www.facebook.com/aupwunational/

Meals and PPEs for frontliners: UPJMT
UP Men’s Judo Team donated 180 meals and PPEs to frontliners at the East Ave. Medical Center, the Tondo Medical Center, and UP-PGH frontliners and families gravely affected by the ECQ.

Salamat PH Healthcare Heroes initiative: NowhereToGoButUP
nowhere to go but UP has mobilized support, secured donations, and delivered 9,150 meals to frontliners in various COVID-19 hospitals, AFP checkpoint frontliners, MMDA, and scientists at the Philippine Genome Center and the Research Institute for Tropical Medicine.

Face shield open-source designs: CFA-Fablab
The College of Fine Arts’ Fablab (UP CFA Fablab) has created face shield designs that can be made at home in addition to making 500 face shield frames to volunteer student frontliners at Acacia Residence Hall. To contact them, https://www.facebook.com/upcfafablab/

Lucal drink: CHE
A group of College of Home Economics students has developed and produced “Lucal,” a calamansi/ginger concentrate to fortify medical frontliners at the Philippine General Hospital and the Lung Center of the Philippines.

PPEs and DIY face masks: CHE-CTID
The College of Home Economics (UP CHE) has produced 150 PPEs for healthcare workers, distributing them to various hospitals. The college is working on do-it-yourself or DIY facemask designs.

COVID-19 relief efforts: CoE, CArch
Countless UPD alumni have pitched in the COVID-19 relief effort, whether donating in cash like the UP ERDFI, UP Alumni Engineers and UP Barkada; or delivering meals to stranded dormers like Shamcey Supsup-Lee and her husband Lloyd Ty-Lee.

#COVID19SpatialCoverage: CSSP-Geog
The UP Department of Geography has helped raise awareness on the problems and solutions related to planning and public health by collecting research materials on spatial and geographic studies on infectious diseases here: tinyurl.com/GeogStudiesInfectiousDiseases

NCR Quarantine Checkpoint Map: NCPAG
Civil engineer and UP-NCPAG professor Noriel Tiglao has developed an NCR Quarantine Checkpoint Map.
See map here: safetravel.ph
He is also part of endcov.ph, a web portal with information in the fight vs. COVID-19.

CSC donation and info drives: AIT, VSB and SE
The college student councils have pitched in the relief effort and info drive. UP Asian Institute of Tourism Student Council raised P18k for #IskoOps: COVID-19; UP Business Administration Council (BAC) held a donation drive for their non-UP staff and UP School of Economics Student Council shared COVID-19 infographics.

#IskoOps donation campaign: USC
USCUPDiliman held a successful #IskoOps: COVID-19 donation drive, raising over P1M to help stranded dormers, drivers, manininda, security guards and residents severely affected by the ECQ. To donate, tap https://bit.ly/2yQALLC.

Minding people’s well-being: UPD PsycServ and CSSP-Psych
The Department of Psychology, along with its UPD PsycServ program, has offered free telepsychotherapy services to frontliners and those severely affected by COVID-19. For questions, email psycserv.upd@up.edu.ph.

Translating COVID-19 terms to Filipino: CAL-DFPP and UP PGC
A UP College of Arts and Letters professor translated key COVID-19 terms into Filipino to help the Filipino public better understand the current pandemic. See them here: https://www.facebook.com/updcalsc/posts/1503522453142827. Philippine Genome Center also created infographics based on the initiative.

Disease transmission modeling: CS-IM and CS-NIP
Students from the Institute of Mathematics and the National Institute of Physics are using numbers and mathematical models to flatten the curve by tracking how COVID-19 is being spread. To help, email them at mbbdfi@gmail.com.

#LanguageWarriorsPH: CSSP-Lingg
The Department of Linguistics launched #LanguageWarriorsPH, an initiative to translate COVID-19 materials into the country’s many languages and dialects. To see the materials translated so far, tap here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/LanguageWarriorsPH/

qPCR machines and 3D-printing masks: CS
The College of Science utilized resources and manpower, its scientists and qPCR machines heading to the testing frontlines while its 3D printers work round the clock making PPEs. To help, email mbbdfi@gmail.com.

3D-printing face shield frames: CoE
The COE is printing 3D face shield frames for frontliners. They’ve also started projects that fill the gaps in the fight against COVID-19 like UV disinfection chambers for PPEs. To donate, email ebdelapena@up.edu.ph.