Mario Juan A. Aurelio, PhD of the UP Diliman (UPD) College of Science (CS) and Rinlee Butch M. Cervera, PhD of UPD College of Engineering (COE) were recently awarded by the Philippine Association for the Advancement of Science and Technology (PhilAAST) for their outstanding contributions to their respective fields.

PhilAAST is a non-profit organization of scientists and technologists that aims to promote and broaden the base of scientific advancement in the Philippines through research, technology development, and innovation.
The organization awarded Aurelio the Gregorio Y. Zara Award for Basic Research for “his valuable contribution in the teaching of structural geology and geodynamics which are essential to sustainable development of the Philippines.”
The Gregorio Y. Zara Award is given to scientists who made valuable contributions to basic and applied science research.
Aurelio is a professor of geology at the CS National Institute of Geological Sciences (NIGS). He is the first Filipino to be elected to the Legal and Technical Commission of the International Seabed Authority.
Meanwhile, PhilAAST awarded Cervera the David M. Consunji Award for Engineering Research “for undertaking significant research projects in the new frontier of material science and engineering focusing on energy storage and conversion devices, ways to energy applications, and research on green materials.”

The David M. Consunji Award recognizes outstanding research in the field of engineering.
Cervera is an assistant professor of materials engineering at the COE Department of Mining, Metallurgical, and Materials Engineering (DMMME).
He is the current director of the UP Energy Engineering Graduate Program. Cervera was also awarded Outstanding Young Scientist in the field of materials engineering in 2018 by the National Academy of Science and Technology. Aurelio and Cervera received the awards on Sept. 9 at the 71st annual convention of PhilAAST.