
You will be missed

It is with sadness that the UP Diliman (UPD) community bids farewell to three faculty members and one administrative staff who passed in May 2024.

Cecilia Fugoso-Chan, PhD a former professor of the Department of European Languages (DEL) passed away on May 30; Leonardo De Castro, PhD a former professor of the Department of Philosophy (DPhilo), and Anunciacion V. Lara, PhD a former professor of the College of Education (CEd) passed on May 12; and Benjamin P. Hipolito, staff member of the Department of Mechanical Engineering (DME) passed on May 24.

Fugoso-Chan. Image from the DEL Facebook page

Fugoso-Chan was a professor of French at DEL. According to a post on the DEL Facebook page, Fugoso-Chan, or “Pipit” to colleagues and friends, was “a colleague appreciated for her generosity and collaborative spirit.” “Pipit was always ready to offer her support and wise advice to her colleagues. Her office was a place of meeting and discussion, demonstrating her openness and commitment to the university community.”

Lara was an associate professor of educational research at CEd. She began teaching in 1963 at the UP Elementary School, which is now part of the UP Integrated School (UPIS). Lara previously headed the UPIS Office of Research, Development, and Publication.

Lara. Image from the CEd website

De Castro was a former chair of DPhilo. He served as director of the UP System Office of Alumni Relations from 1984 to 1989. He also chaired the Philippine Health Research Ethics Board and was a member of the National Ethics Committee, the National Bioethics Advisory Committee, and the National Transplant Ethics Committee.

Meanwhile, Hipolito was Machinist III at the DME.

The UPD community will forever be grateful for the services these four individuals rendered as UPD personnel, and extends its condolences to the bereaved family.

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