Edgardo Carlo L. Vistan II is UP Diliman’s (UPD) new chancellor.
An assistant professor at the UPD College of Law (LAW), Vistan was appointed as the UPD’s 12th chancellor by the UP Board of Regents (BOR) at its 1379th meeting on April 3. He succeeded Fidel R. Nemenzo, DSc.

His appointment was announced by UP President Angelo A. Jimenez at the Quezon Hall lobby, in front of a crowd mostly composed of faculty, staff, and students, immediately after the BOR meeting.
The current LAW dean, Vistan joined the faculty ranks in January 2015. He teaches transportation and public utilities, civil procedure, and constitutional law.
He has written academic and non-academic essays including the Handbook on Philippine Competition Act: An Introduction to Republic Act No. 10667, which he co-authored with N. F. L. Ty, M. B. San Buenaventura-Dy, K. L. T. Uy-Sia, and D. A. Angeles, and published in 2018.
Vistan earned his LLM from Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, USA in 2017. He is a candidate for the degree of Doctor of the Science of Law in the same university.
He earned his Bachelor of Laws from LAW in 2003, graduating cum laude and class valedictorian. Vistan finished his Bachelor of Science in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, cum laude, at the National Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology of the UPD College of Science in 1998.
As stated in his vision paper, he envisions UPD as “a constituent university that leads in the holistic formation of individuals and communities through quality and accessible education, relevant research, and engagement with others.”
To realize this vision, priority will be given to programs with the following objectives: promotion of the holistic formation and welfare of students, development of UPD’s faculty and staff, resource generation and maximization, and administrative capacity-building.
Vistan will serve a three-year term.