
UPD ECQ Work Arrangements

UP Diliman (UPD) offices, except for those involved in providing critical and essential frontline and health emergency services, will primarily adopt a work-from-home alternative work arrangement (WFH-AWA) for the duration of the Aug. 6-20 enhanced community quarantine (ECQ). Classes for the midyear term shall continue to be conducted remotely.

In Memorandum No. FRN-21-154, the Office of the Chancellor referred offices to Memorandum No. NGY 21-118 issued by the Office of the Vice President for Administration and the UPD Human Resources Development Office (HRDO) Advisory 08032021 for guidance regarding work arrangements during the period.

Heads of offices/units were advised to “plan and assign tasks to their personnel to avoid or minimize the disruption of their operations, and at the same time, support the government’s measures to reduce the risk of virus transmission.”

Offices/units should assign a skeleton workforce “only if extremely necessary, i.e. only those involved in critical or essential services or if there is exigency of service,” adding that “office attendance should be kept to a minimum as much as possible.”

If the office/unit head deems that having a skeleton workforce report on-site is extremely necessary, they are to submit a list of the authorized personnel along with the appropriate documents to the UPD HRDO on or before Aug. 5, Thursday.

Members of these skeleton workforces “must strictly observe minimum health measures and safety protocols at all times,” enforced by their unit Safety Officers or Health Liaison Officers, who will also “maintain a log of all guests and visitors, including addresses and contact information.”

Exempt from this reduction in operating capacity are offices involved in providing critical and essential frontline and health emergency services, namely, the Campus Maintenance Office (CMO), Diliman Accounting Office, Diliman Budget Office, Diliman Cash Office, Diliman Environmental Management Office, Office of the Chancellor, Office of the University Registrar, Public Safety and Security Office, University Food Service, UP Health Service (UPHS), UP Computer Center and UP Diliman Police.

All official travels for extension and research are temporarily suspended. Those who intend to go on personal travel are strongly urged to reconsider or report their travel plans to their office/unit head. All members of the UPD community returning from travel overseas should follow the COVID-19 Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF) guidelines for quarantine.

No activities are allowed inside the campus from 8 p.m. to 4 a.m., except for regular UPHS or emergency CMO operations. Both the Academic Oval and the College of Science Oval remain closed to the public.

The only gatherings of more than 10 persons allowed are those strictly indispensable for work, government, or humanitarian purposes (e. g., vaccination activities which should be duly coordinated with the City Government). If an organizer proceeds with a gathering of more than 10 persons, they must record the names and contacts of all attendees, and strictly follow health protocols. “The organizer may also be held liable for any health protocol violation that may be committed, aside from the liability of the participants themselves.”

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