UP Diliman (UPD) is the only top-performing school in the July 2022 Interior Designer Licensure Examination, with four examinees landing in the top 10.
To qualify as a top-performing school, an institution must have 10 or more examinees and have at least 80 percent passing rate.

Fielding 28 examinees from the UP College of Home Economics and having a 92.86 percent passing rate, UPD was the only top-performing school in the examination.
In addition, four examinees were part of the top 10, led by Ira Louise Cayanan (88.25%). She is followed by Racquel Christine Lim (86.40%) in fourth place, Nichelle Ventigan (84.40 %) in sixth, and Nicole Alexis Olan (82.60%) in 10th. The examination was administered in Manila and Cebu.