Three hundred thirty-eight graduating students (as of second semester and midyear, AY 2020-2021) who will signify readiness to participate may be allowed to attend limited face-to-face classes in UP Diliman starting January next year.

UPD officially received certificates of authority from the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) to “reopen the campus for the conduct of limited face-to-face classes, internship, and clerkship.”
CHED NCR Director Virginia Akiate (second from left) turned over the certificates of authority for 18 courses in the College of Science, College of Home Economics, College of Social Work and Community Development, and College of Music, to UPD Chancellor Fidel Nemenzo (third from left) on Dec. 21 at Quezon Hall. With them were Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Ma. Theresa T. Payongayong (extreme left); CHED Supervisor Victor Emil Castello (second from right); and Prof. John Robert Medina of the UP Manila College of Public Health (extreme right).