UP Diliman (UPD) participated in a special flag-raising ceremony that served as the kickoff event of the UP System’s first Linggo ng Unibersidad.
While the main program was held at UPD on June 10, every constituent university (CU) / autonomous college in the UP System also simultaneously held their own flag-raising ceremony and joined the UP System’s ceremony via Zoom.

The ceremony proper was followed by a special program where the chancellors of UPD, UP Los Baños (UPLB), UP Manila, UP Visayas (UPV), UP Open University, UP Mindanao (UPMin), UP Baguio, and UP Cebu each delivered a message of solidarity. Some of the CUs followed their chancellor’s message with performances from cultural groups from their CU.
The cultural groups that performed were the UP Manila Belle, the UPLB Sandayaw Cultural Group, the UPV Babaylan Dance, and the UPMin Dance Ensemble.
The ceremony was capped off with an exciting performance by the UP Varsity Pep Squad that had the morning crowd clapping along to the beat of the U-NIBERSIDAD cheer.

Linggo ng Unibersidad is a six-day series of events meant to “recognize and celebrate the efforts of its faculty, students, and workers in continuing the University’s traditions of honor and excellence, as well as its commitment to public service” according to an article published by UP System.
With the theme Hayag: Pagpugay sa Lingkod Bayan, the events include programs to honor exemplary agency-hired employees that “live up to UP’s brand of public service” and alumni who performed excellently in their respective licensure examinations.
The UP Symphony Orchestra will have a special concert at the University Theater on June 14, and there will be a grand media launch of the UP Strategic Plan 2023-2029 where UP’s flagship programs will be introduced to local and national news media on June 18.