
The China we hardly see: Photo Exhibit on Comtemporary Chinese Society



The UP Asian Center will host a photo exhibit, The Tempo of China, from 14 to 18 March 2016 at the Philippines and China Halls, Hall of Wisdom, GT-Toyota Asian Cultural Center, Asian Center, University of the Philippines Diliman. The exhibit, free and open to the public, will start at 10 a.m. on Monday, 14 March. Regular viewing hours run from 8 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

About the Exhibit

With its five-thousand-year-old civilization, China conjures, among other things, icons of antiquity, from sacred religious traditions to venerable cultural practices. But what is it like beyond these images? Offering a different glimpse of the country, these images, according to the exhibition text from the Cultural Counsellor’s Office, Chinese Embassy in the Philippines, display the “vim and vigor” of 21st-century Chinese society. From “spectacular landscapes to stunning architecture, everyday life, and people of all ages…,” the images showcase photography at its finest, exhibiting a “superb sense of space, movement, and alacrity”; collectively, they “capture the spirit of China in its compelling immediacy,” its boundless” vigor and prosperity vividly and realistically rendered in a myriad of colors, graceful lines,  and enchanting compositions.”

About the Organizers

The exhibit features the works of amateur and professional Chinese photographers, all selected from over 1,000 entries submitted in a photo contest in China. It is organized in partnership with the Confucius Institute, University of the Philippines Diliman and the Cultural Counsellor’s Office of the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines.

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