
Revamped Vinzons Hall launched Feb. 9

The renovated Vinzons Hall and the new Student Union Building (SUB) were inaugurated on Feb. 9.

Renovated under the supervision of the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Planning and Development, Vinzons Hall will house the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and the offices under it, while, the seven-story SUB will house the UPD Student Council, the office of the “Philippine Collegian,” the Office of the Student Regent, the University Food Service, and various student organizations, among others.

Among the officials present at the launch were Chancellor Fidel R. Nemenzo, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Louise Jashil R. Sonido, Vice Chancellor for Planning and Development Raquel Florendo, and UP Vice President for Development Elvira A. Zamora.

UP President Danilo L. Concepcion and Former Secretary of the Department of Public Works and Highways Mark Villar led the ribbon  cutting ceremonies.

(From left) Nemenzo, Florendo, and Sonido in front of the SUB marker at the building’s inauguration on Feb. 9. Photo by Jerald JD. Caranza, UPDIO
The back side of the SUB. Photo by Jefferson Villacruz, UPDIO
Concepcion (center) and Villar (right) led the ribbon cutting ceremonies. They were joined by guests and other university officials. Photo by Jefferson Villacruz, UPDIO
The Monumento sa mga Bayani ng 1896, in front of the newly renovated Vinzons Hall. Photo by Jefferson Villacruz, UPDIO
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