Various study abroad opportunities were presented to UP Diliman (UPD) students, faculty, and staff as the Office for International Linkages Diliman (OIL-D) opened the 2024 UPD Study Abroad Fair.
The fair, with the theme LAYAG: Humayo at Matuto sa Ibang Ibayo (Set Out and Learn Overseas), was launched on Feb. 27 at the UPD School of Statistics (STAT) lobby and lecture hall.

Information booths from 17 participating institutions offered free study-abroad consultation services. Freebies, raffle prizes, and snacks were also available at some booths.
Information sessions from various institutional partners and testimonials from current and former exchange students were held every afternoon at the STAT lecture hall until March 1.
Partner institutions were grouped into Europe and the Americas (Goethe-Institut Philippinen, Campus France, Austrian Embassy, Education USA, Philippine Italian Association, German Academic Exchange Service/DAAD, Embassy of Hungary, Worcester College [Oxford University], Spanish Embassy–Education Office, National Autonomous University of Mexico, and University of British Columbia-Vancouver Summer Program) and Asia and Oceania (Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Manila, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in the Philippines, Australia Awards, UP Korea Research Center, Hokkaido University, and Global Korea Scholarship Philippines Alumni Association).

The UP Office of International Linkages was also at the fair, showcasing their programs such as the Continuous Operational and Outcomes-based Partnership for Excellence in Research and Academic Training Enhancement (COOPERATE) and the Mobility for Vigor and Excellence–University of the Philippines (MOVE-UP) program.
Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Maria Vanessa Lusung-Oyzon spoke on behalf of UPD Chancellor Edgardo Carlo L. Vistan II.
A former exchange student herself, Lusung-Oyzon, quoting a former program exchange coordinator, said studying abroad “is a great opportunity to place your heart in another community and gain global understanding and perspective by deepening your appreciation for other cultures and customs. It is a life-changing experience that molds valuable life skills such as decision-making skills, problem solving skills and conflict resolution. More importantly the experience abroad will help you learn more about yourself as you leave your mark in another part of the world.”