(MAY 18) — Kanlungang Palma sa Panahon ng Pandemya (KaPPP) or Kanlungang Palma, the community isolation unit for the UP Diliman (UPD) community, is now open following the Department of Health’s (DOH) approval after passing its second DOH inspection on May 13.
KaPPP will be a temporary isolation unit to suspect and probable COVID-19 cases with mild symptoms and those who cannot be quarantined at home, while waiting for the results of their swab tests. Only one patient can be accommodated per room; thus, the facility can only admit 26 patients at most, a far cry from what was initially envisioned to be a 50-bed isolation unit.

KaPPP will give preferential admission to patients from the UPD community. Priority clients are those connected with the University or residing on campus. However, those coming from nearby barangays may also be considered if they cannot be accommodated in other quarantine facilities within Quezon City. For referrals who have not undergone COVID-19 testing, KaPPP also set up a swabbing booth in coordination with the Philippine Genome Center who will perform the RT-PCR test on the samples collected.

The facility will only admit patients between 18 and 60 years old, with no co-morbidities such as uncontrolled hypertension or diabetes or immunosuppressed conditions. Pregnant patients will not be admitted. KaPPP will not entertain walk-ins. Admission is from Monday to Sunday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Referring barangays or hospitals must first call the UP Health Service (UPHS) ER at 8981-8500 local 111 for initial screening and instructions.

Kanlungang Palma was established by the College of Social Sciences and Philosophy on Apr. 17 with the approval of the UPD COVID-19 Task Force and in coordination with Act as One PH, a group of UP alumni and supporters. Act as One PH provided beds, washing machines, dedicated mobile phones and minor medical equipment, among others. The UPHS was tasked to deploy part of its staff and manage the facility strictly following DOH guidelines.

Quezon City Health Department (QCHD) Officer-in-Charge Dr. Esperanza Anita N. Escaño Arias and Dr. Judy Gilda S. Martinez, also of the QCHD, commended UPD’s efforts in putting an isolation unit on campus.
Kanlungang Palma will be in operation until July. Funds to run and maintain the facility are from Act as One PH and other UP supporters.

For more information, please refer to https://www.facebook.com/upcssp/.