
Public Forum Guidelines for the UPIS Principal Nomination Process

1. The Public Forum is part of the nomination process for the principalship of the UP Integrated School (UPIS).

2. The Public Forum will feature the following:

a. presentation of accomplishments by the incumbent,

b. presentation of vision, goals, programs and projects by the nominee/s, and

c. open forum (through Zoom chat).

3. The Public Forum will be held online through Zoom on 23 June 2020, from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

4. Stakeholders such as faculty members, staff, students, parents, and alumni are invited to participate in the Public Forum.

5. Participants are requested to fill in a Google Form which can be accessed by clicking the following link:

6. The last day for the submission of Google Forms is on 22 June 2020, at 12 noon. This will give the Nomination Committee time to send the Zoom meeting invitation to individual emails indicated in the Google Form.

7. Unless there are unforeseen circumstances such as technical difficulties, the Public Forum will start promptly.

8. For the open forum, questions and comments will be entertained through the chat function of Zoom. Participants are requested to post their questions to the moderator. They should state the following: full name, affiliation, question, and to whom the question is directed. The moderator of the open forum will read the questions and address them to the concerned nominee/s.

9. The Nomination Committee will exert its utmost best to conduct a consultative and transparent process despite the possible limitations and difficulties that may be encountered as a result of the remote and online conduct of the Nomination Process.

10. The Public Forum will be documented through the record function of Zoom.

Public Forum Guidelines for the UPIS Principal Nomination Process and Guidelines for the Interviews with the UPIS Principal Nomination Process Stakeholders PDF

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