
Florendo is PRC Outstanding Professional for Interior Design

By Mariamme D. Jadloc, image by Leonardo A. Reyes

florendo(MAY 14)—Prof. Raquel B. Florendo is the recipient of the Professional Regulation Committee’s (PRC) Outstanding Professional of the Year Award in the field of Interior Design.

An associate professor of Interior Design of the UPD College of Home Economics’ Department of Clothing, Textile and Interior Design, Florendo is honored “for having amply demonstrated professional competence of the highest degree and conducted herself with integrity in the exercise of her profession, participated meaningfully in professional activities through the professional organization, contributed significantly to the advancement of the profession, and contributed significantly to the effective discharge of the profession’s social responsibility through meaningful contribution/participation in socio-related activities.”

She is also the director of the UPD Business Concessions Office.

The award is doubly significant as it is given to an individual upon the recommendation or recognition of his peers.

In Sept. 2013, Florendo received the highest award of distinction from the Philippine Institute of Interior Designers  for her notable contribution to the advancement of the profession, earning her the title of “Fellow PIID.”

Florendo will receive her PRC award on Jun. 19 at the Philippine International Convention Center  in Manila.

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