
[Ethical Lingua] Call for Papers 2018

Ethical Lingua is an online academic journal published in February and August (e-ISSN 2540-9190) by the Department of English Language Education of Universitas Cokroaminoto Palopo, Indonesia. The journal has been indexed has been indexed in academic publication database such as Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)Google Scholar, Science and Technology Index (SINTA), Indonesia OneSearch, and Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE).

Ethical Lingua invites graduate students, teachers, university lecturers, as well as academic practitioners to submit their scholarly articles for our next issues: Volume 5, No. 1 (February) and No. 2 (August) 2018.

The journal accepts scholarly article, including, but not limited to, the following fields:

  • Teaching and Learning of English as a Foreign and International Language
  • Language Teaching Methods, Strategies, Models, and Approaches
  • Language Curriculum and Material Development
  • Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
  • Language Education Policy
  • Cultural Issues in Education
  • Literature Studies

Originality Policy

The article must be original and has not been published or under review in other journal. If the article has been presented in a seminar or conference, the author should mention the forum. The writer takes full responsibility on the originality of the article. The article submitted will be checked for originality by using Plagiarism Checker X, with 20% similarity percentage limit. The article will be immediately rejected without going to the editorial review if it exceed the limit. If the article is found plagiarized after publication, the article will be retracted and the author will be banned for future submission.

Article Format

*The article must be written in English, formatted as Word Document (.docx) or (.odt), and typed on A4-sized paper, 1 spaced, with a 12-pt Arial font. The paper should not exceed 15 pages or 7000 words.

*The in-text citation and referencing style of the article must follow The APA Publication Manual, 6th Edition. It is strongly recommended for the authors to use referencing manager software (i.e. Mendeley or Zotero).

*Please refer to the Ethical Lingua article format here.

*To ensure blind review, do not write your name, email, and institutional affiliation in the document text. Your identity should only be entered in the website’s account profile.

*Please do not worry about the text layout as the journal editor will do that for you.

*Authors must include their bio data in brief with maximum of 250 words. It contains full name with title, place and date of birth, educational background, institutional affiliation, rank or position, e-mail address, phone number and recent publications. The bio data must be provided in a separate document file and included in the authors’ profile in journal website.


Important Notice

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