Elizabeth L. Enriquez, PhD, professor emeritus of broadcasting at the UP Diliman (UPD) College of Mass Communication (CMC) and an authority in Philippine broadcasting, recently completed several lecture engagements and media events participation in four European universities and one cultural institution this October.

She was a guest at institutions in Germany (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin’s Institute for Asian and African Studies, Goethe Institut HKW, Berlin, and University of Weimar), in England (University of London SOAS), and in the Netherlands (University of Amsterdam).
Enriquez lectured at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin’s Institute for Asian and African Studies on her research Control and Resistance in Broadcasting During Martial Law in the Philippines on Oct. 19.

The presentation described “how radio and television were constrained during martial law, and the role they played in the rebellion that ended the Marcos autocracy.”
After her lecture, Enriquez participated in Listening to the World—100 Years of Radio, an event of the Goethe Institut HKW, Berlin from Oct. 21 to 22.

The event was in celebration of radio’s 100th anniversary in Germany, and dealt with listening as a global phenomenon. According to the event website, it “honors the versatility of radio: networking, communication, cultural influence, power dynamics, protest, artistic means, and information.”
Enriquez, who led UP’s celebration in 2022 of 100 Years of Broadcasting in the Philippines, was one of its major contributors. She was also part of a panel discussion at Goethe Institut HKW, Berlin’s two-day event. The event was a project of the Goethe Institute, Experimental Radio at the Bauhaus University Weimar, Deutschlandfunk Kultur, and the House of World Cultures.
Enriquez was then a discussant at the radio conversation Echoing Listening to the World with Pol Villasuso and Riar Rizaldi on Oct. 24. The radio talk was a University of Weimar event.
After her Germany stints, Enriquez lectured in England at the University of London SOAS on Oct. 26, where she delivered her research, Philippine Radio, the BBC, and the Voice of America: A Historical Look at the Resistance in the Philippines During World War II.
In brief, the lecture was about radio broadcasting as a critical combat zone in World War II Philippines.

Enriquez’s last engagement in Europe was at the University of Amsterdam on Oct. 31 where she delivered a lecture and participated in a panel discussion.
Enriquez has been teaching at the CMC for 33 years, where she developed and handled classes in media history, media theory, political economy of media, media literacy, and media, gender, and sexuality. She is the author of several publications and is a veteran radio and television personality.
Enriquez has held key administrative positions at UPD that include being the vice chancellor for student affairs (2005-2011). She was instrumental in establishing the UPD Information Office and was its first director (1994-1996).