
eKapihan ng Bayan sa UP via Zoom

The UP Alumni Association (UPAA) is hosting a “eKapihan ng Bayan sa UP” via Zoom Video Conferencing on 25 June 2020, Tuesday, 10:00 a.m. Up for discussion is “Understanding COVID-19:  Its Prevention and Treatment” – the global pandemic and its economic impact on the Philippines.

The resource speaker will be Dr. Gerardo B. Abenes, DVM, MVSc, PhD. He will share his thoughts on the issue which is having profound and far-reaching effects on the lives of all Filipinos. The usual lively discussion is expected in the open forum.

Interested parties are invited to register with the UPAA Secretariat at Tels. 920-6868; 920-6871; Mobile 0917-8372098; or e-mail to get the Zoom meeting ID and your personal participant’s password.

Open to all UP alumni, faculty, and students, as well as the general public, Kapihan ng Bayan sa U.P. is a public service project of the UPAA which aims to serve as a regular forum for intelligent and constructive discussion of issues relevant to our development as a nation.

What:              eKapihan ng Bayan sa UP
When:              25 August 2020, Tuesday, 10:00 a.m.
Where:            Zoom Video Conferencing
Topic:              “Understanding Covid-19:  Its Prevention and Treatment”

In a democracy like the Philippines, such public discourse is a valuable tool for guiding the national leaders and all concerned citizens to collectively confront and attempt to resolve the challenges posed by current issues of general concern.

Or please contact:
Mr. Romeo S.A. Carlos
Executive Director
Mobile: (0921) 285-5332
UPAA Secretariat: 920-6868, 920-6871
UPAA Mobile: 0917-8372098

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