
EEE alumna is IEEE ISGT Asia 2016 Best Female Presenter

Lorelisa Ethel LuyaLorelisa Ethel Luya, BS EE class of 2016, was awarded as the Best Female Presenter in the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Power and Energy Society (PES) Innovative Smart Grid Technologies 2016 Asian Conference (ISGT 2016) on Nov. 28 to Dec. 1, held at the Melbourne Exhibition and Convention Centre in Melbourne, Australia.

Luya presented their paper entitled Simulation Platfrom for Supply Deficient Microgrids. This research, co-authored by Patrick Gan and Michael Pedrasa, suggests a modeling tool that can forecast possible outcomes and effects of the renewable distributed generations (DGs).

Specifically, the software they developed “can compute and display hourly, daily, monthly-average and monthly-total data of energy supplied by the DG, energy consumed by the load, expected frequency and duration of supply interruptions, and expected energy not supplied.”

The tool is expected to “help in observing patterns and determining the effects of a DG mix with a given load demand which can be used for designing supply deficient microgrids.”

The ISGT Asia Conference 2016 is co-sponsored by the IEEE PESy and the IEEE Victoria, Australia Section, and hosted by the University of Melbourne. This conference in an annual international, non-commercial event which serves as a “venue for power experts from academia, electric power utilities, power and energy service providers, and research and development organisations to share and exchange experiences, new ideas and enabling technologies.”

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