The Center for Local and Regional Governance (CLRG) of the UP Diliman (UPD) National College of Public Administration and Governance (NCPAG) recently held a forum that centered on efforts to assist the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) firm up its governance structure.

Held on Oct. 11 at the NCPAG assembly hall, the forum Charting a BANGSAMORO Policy and Research Agenda gathered key figures from BARMM, officials from the national government, and experts from UP and other higher education institutions.
In an email to UPDate Online, CLRG University Researcher Gerard Martin C. Suarez stated, the forum aimed to “determine key governance and policy issues faced by the BARMM Parliament and its stakeholders” It also wanted to “co-create a common policy and research agenda to inform the collaborative partnership between UP and BARMM under the umbrella of the proposed UP-Bangsamoro Development Institute.”
Furthermore, the forum sought to identify and discuss concrete ways to operationalize the BARMM policy and research agenda, including the roles of various UPD units as they assist BARMM reach its goal of autonomy and reform.
CLRG Director Reginald G. Ugaddan said his office had long planned to find partners in order to extend assistance to BARMM.
In a briefer sent to UPDate Online, NCPAG through the Bangsamoro Development Laboratory “aims to assist the Bangsamoro region in addressing the latter’s needs for research-informed policies and innovations.”

“We wanted, at the end of this meeting, to craft or develop a policy, research, and even an extension that the CLRG can possibly put together with our partners in BARMM,” Ugaddan said.
He hopes that through consolidated efforts, the forum participants would be able to craft more impactful initiatives for the region.
Among the UP officials present at the forum were UPD Chancellor Edgardo Carlo L. Vistan II, UP Mindanao Chancellor Lyre Anni E. Murao, UP Executive Vice President Jose Fernando T. Alcantara, UP Assistant Vice President for Curriculum and Instruction Ma. Theresa T. Payongayong, and UPD Institute of Islamic Studies Dean Julkipli M. Wadi. Meanwhile, among those representing BARMM at the forum were Ishak V. Mastura and Rasol Y. Mitmug Jr. (both are members of the Bangsamoro Transition Authority), and Nassef Manabilang Adiong, PhD of the BARMM Policy Research and Legal Services.