
Call for Participation: Library User Experience Focus Group Discussion

The University Library will celebrate its 100th anniversary in the year 2022. In preparation for this significant milestone, we would like to conduct a survey and series of focus group discussions (FGD) which we call Because U are our Most Important X: the UPD Library User Experience Study to find out the overall insights and sentiments of our clients when they think about the UPD Libraries.

The purpose of the user experience study is fourfold:

  1. To develop user-centric recommendations for the improvement of University Library policies, approaches, services, programs, and spaces;

  2. To develop communication and marketing plan;

  3. To develop a visual identity guidebook; and

  4. To create a marketing portfolio for the University Library Diliman

In line with the foregoing, may we respectfully request for the dissemination of our call for participation in our survey and FGD to the official social media channels of the University? The link to the survey is at Meanwhile, the link to the FGD sign-up form is at The first FGD session will take place next Friday, 13 November 2020.

For your reference, attached are the Publication Materials. We have shared these pubmats on our social media sites, as follows:

Please be assured that all personal information collected from this study shall be treated in accordance with the UP Diliman Privacy Policy.

Thank you in anticipation of your support.

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