
CALL FOR PAPERS : Musika Jornal 12 – Music and Movement

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Call for Papers

The UP Center for Ethnomusicology invites scholars, thinkers and music practitioners to submit scientific papers or critical essays on the theme Music and Movement*.

MUSIKA JORNAL is a refereed scholarly periodical prepared by an Editorial Board comprised of faculty members and researchers from the College of Music, College of Arts and Letters and other units of the University of the Philippines that maintain close linkage with the UP Center for Ethnomusicology. The journal aims to provide a forum for the discussion of traditional musics in the Philippines and Southeast Asia, as well as the new music of contemporary composers from this geographic area.

For the coming issue, Musika Jornal 12: Music and Movement, the submissions of articles must follow these general guidelines:

  1. Article should be six (6) to thirty (30) pages of text in English or Filipino (if it is a translation from other language/s, please indicate);
  2. File must be submitted in MS word (.doc) format, Times new roman, 12 pt., double-spaced, 1” margin all-sides;
  3. Abstract should not be more than 150 words in English;
  4. Two (2) to three (3) keywords in English (unless proper nouns) should describe the content of the article;
  5. All figures and tables must be properly labeled/captioned;
  6. All annotations reflected in endnotes;
  7. In-line citations, annotations, and bibliography should follow MLA citation formatting;
  8. Photographs, illustrations, music, and other figures should also be submitted in separate file (figures in JPG format and PDF for annexes);
  9. Submission should include a glossary of musical/technical terms appearing in the text; and,
  10. A brief biography of the author (not more than 100 words)

Articles for submission must not have been previously published. The author is responsible for securing publication permits for copyrighted and/or licensed materials to be used in the article. Names of transcribers, annotators and other collaborators in the article should be properly recognized in the submissions.

The deadline for submissions is on October 21, 2016. Files may be submitted through our email at upethno@gmail.comor through mail (burnt onto data CD) at Room 220, 2f Abelardo Hall, College of Music, University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City 1101.

For inquiries, please call direct line 925-7139 or trunkline 981-8500 (loc. 2626) and look for Ms. Grace Buenaventura, or email us at


*The inter-relationship of motion, dance, the body, space and music

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