- Themed issues must consist of at least 4 and a maximum of 5 full-length articles, with 6,000-10,000 words each, including references.
- Each article must have an abstract (150–200 words).
- The representative of the group must send a concept note (300–500 words) containing the proposed theme, and a brief discussion of the focus and content of the articles. If the papers have been presented previously in a panel/conference/workshop, include in the concept note details of where the papers have been delivered (conference name, date, conference organizer, venue, etc.).
- Submitted articles must be original. They must not have been previously published elsewhere, and must not be under consideration for publication in another journal or book. Papers under contract in, for example, a conference or workshop will not be accepted. By submitting the articles, the authors attest that submitted articles are original; have not been published (previously or forthcoming) elsewhere, and must not be under consideration for publication in another journal, book, or other publication projects.
- Asian Studies reserves the right to reject a manuscript that does not comply with these and other journal guidelines.
- Please check the submission guidelines for citation and formatting guide.
- The review process will follow the journal’s current protocols.
- Deadlines will be given to each paper’s author/s to submit their revision. Please note that delays in submission of one paper’s author/s will affect the publication process of the themed issue.
- The editor in chief will have the final decision regarding the publication of each article. If the number of articles recommended for publication are insufficient to produce a themed issue, the approved articles will be published collectively along with papers outside the original group, or as individual manuscripts in separate issues. The journal also has the last say on the theme and reserves the right to broaden it to include related topics.
- The themed issue may feature content from the four other sections of the journal: commentaries, reviews, travel narratives, and poetry. The content of these submissions will be unrelated to the issue’s theme.
- The authors of manuscripts must choose one corresponding author, who will then send all the following to asianstudies@up.edu.ph:
- A 300-word concept note for the themed issue. It must contain the proposed title and the focus/issue being discussed by the manuscripts, as well as the titles of each manuscript and their respective authors and their institutional affiliations.
- Two soft copies of each manuscript.
- One must include the author/s’ name.
- The second copy must be purged of any information that can point to author/s’ identity (author/s’ name, references to own work in the first person, etc.)
- Separate document containing 150–200 word abstracts of all articles and up to five keywords for each article.
- CVs of each author.
- All authors of manuscripts under a themed issue submission must fill out this Google Form.
For inquiries, please email asianstudies@up.edu.ph.