
Call for Nominations to the National Hydraulic Research Center (NHRC) Directorship

The Search Committee for the Directorship of the National Hydraulic Research Center (NHRC) shall receive nominations from August 9, 2019 to August 30, 2019 at 11:59pm. Please submit the following documents (both printed copies with original signatures as appropriate, and soft copies in USB drive):

  1. Nominator(s)’s signed nomination letter containing the justification for the nomination. Please include current contact details of the (first) nominator;
  2. Nominee’s summarized curriculum vitae, at most three (3) pages;
  3. Nominee’s signed letter of acceptance of the nomination, stating willingness to serve as Director, and
  4. Nominee’s plans for NHRC in broad terms, including his/her flagship programs and ideas for a smooth transition.

All letters/nominations shall be addressed to: 

The Search Committee for the Directorship of the National Hydraulic Research Center c/o Office of the Dean 

Rm. 204 Melchor Hall, U.P. College of Engineering, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Q.C.

Who May Nominate:

  • Personnel of the NHRC, outside parties, and interested candidates

The nominee must possess the following minimum qualifications:

  1. A Doctorate degree in Hydraulic Engineering, Water Resources/Coastal Engineering or in an allied field
  2. An established research track record 
  3. Previous administrative experience
  4. Experience in project management

Schedule of activities:

Call for Nominations August 9, Fri
Deadline for submissions of nominations August 30, Fri 
Public forum: Presentation of Accomplishment of incumbent director and Presentation of Vision and Plans of Nominee/s September 4, Wed
Interview of nominees by search committee and other stakeholders September 4, Wed
Submission of Report and Recommendations to UP

Diliman Chancellor Michael L. Tan

September 6, Fri

Call for Nominations to the National Hydraulic Research Center (NHRC) Directorship

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