
CAL-SC launches Kasama Ka Kaeskuwela

(SEPT. 3)—The UP College of Arts and Letters Student Council (UP CAL-SC) recently launched a donation drive for UP Diliman (UPD) students in need of a stable internet access for remote learning.

“Kasama Ka Kaeskuwela” (KKK) was launched on Aug.31 to primarily aid CAL students who only rely on personal mobile data for remote learning when UP System classes begin on Sept. 10.

The recent consultation with students the CAL-SC did showed that more than 50 percent of the respondents “do not have stable internet access at their current residence and are unsure if they can continue with online activities until the end of each semester.”

As of Sept. 1, KKK has 14 confirmed beneficiaries.

Donors may donate cash through deposit or online bank transfer to Antoinette Shaira Amoncio (BPI: 3059-6415-85 | GCash: 0977 831 1558).

Donors are requested to accomplish a form at to confirm their donation.

Meanwhile, interested partners and sponsors may contact the college council at

CAL-SC organized KKK together with Rise for Education-UP CAL and in partnership with Anakbayan KAL, Alay Sining KAL, Globe Telecom, KALikha: Kasama Ka sa Paglikha ng Arte at Literatura Para sa Bayan, Stand UP Cal, UP Tau Rho Xi Fraternity, UP Euro-Filipino Understanding & Relations Organization, UP Speech Communication Association, UP SIKAP and UP Writers Club.

Previously, CAL-SC conducted a fundraising project called “Get CET Go” (GCG) where the council offered college entrance test e-booklet reviewers for senior high school students for P250 and a free in-depth online discussion via Zoom app.

The e-booklet contains more than 300 practice questions with answers in Science, Mathematics, Reading Comprehension, Language Proficiency, and Mental Ability. It includes tips for aspiring UP students, important tips when taking tests and compiled educational readings.

The CAL-SC in their Facebook page post said the GCG project gathered a total of P27,610 in August. All proceeds were channeled to the KKK donation drive to benefit the CAL student beneficiaries.

For more information and updates, contact CAL-SC councilor Patch Amoncio at 0977 831 1558 or visit the CALSC Facebook Page at

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