Cultivating Reasonableness in Education, a philosophy book edited by Leander P. Marquez, an assistant professor at the Department of Philosophy of the UP Diliman College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, has recently been published by Springer and is available online.

According to the Springer Link (Springer’s online platform) post, the book “presents global experiences, criticisms, discoveries, and solutions in building communities of inquiry.” It also has real-life feedback on how the philosophy for/with children (P4wC) approach is used in different industry settings.
Furthermore, the book “features chapters that discuss how the P4wC pedagogy can be beneficial once integrated into processes such as classroom teaching, teacher education, bioethics, and employee education.”
In the study P4wC as an Effective Educational Pedagogy for BLM and COVID-19 discussions in K-12 Education by Nicole Mullen made available by the website Scholars’ Bank of the University of Oregon, P4wC is “defined by the creation of a community of inquiry that is intellectually safe, nurtures wonder, and allows for the discussion of sensitive topics. Instead of teaching children to be afraid or run away from difficult, ambiguous questions, engaging students at a young age in philosophical discussion and questioning teaches them to think critically throughout their lives. These critical thinking skills and willingness to thoughtfully consider complex ethical issues are even more pertinent in a world where the average citizen is increasingly forced to grapple with ethical issues.”

Marquez co-edited the book with Marella Ada Mancenido-Bolaños, PhD, and Cathlyne Joy P. Alvarez-Abarejo, faculty members of the Department of Philosophy of the University of Santo Tomas.