Prof. Ma. Joy V. Abrenica, PhD is the new dean of the UP Diliman (UPD) School of Economics (SE).
Her appointment was approved by the UP Board of Regents at its special meeting on Aug. 20. The ninth SE dean, Abrenica will serve until 2024. She succeeded Prof. Orville Solon, PhD.
As dean, she envisions four strategic thrusts for SE: reaffirming commitment to academic excellence, revitalizing public service, harnessing internal resources, and building trust.
The former SE director for finance (2012-2013), and director for admissions and fellowships (2000-2012), Abrenica has been with the University for more than 20 years.
She teaches industrial organization and international trade courses, and her research interests are competition policy, industrial organization, and international trade and technology.
She continues to provide technical assistance and policy advice to various government agencies such as Congress in drafting the Philippine Competition Act (2015) and Customs Modernization and Tariff Act (2016); and the Department of Trade and Industry in formulating the Philippine Export Development Plan (2015-2017). In 2014, she was invited as amicus curiae or friends of the court during the oral arguments on Meralco’s controversial 4.15-pesos per kilowatt-hour power rate hike proposal.
One of the foremost scholars in the economics of technological innovation and industrial organization in the Philippines and in the East Asian region, Abrenica received the Outstanding Young Scientist Award (economics) of the National Academy of Science and Technology (2004). She was cited for “her scientific research in the field of economics particularly her work on the proper assignment of roles to the public and private sectors within the national system of innovation, and the importance of regulatory regimes that sustain competition in the case of highly concentrated industries.“
Abrenica earned her PhD and master’s degree in economics from UPD, and bachelor’s degrees (BS commerce, major in accounting, and BA major in economics, magna cum laude) from De La Salle University. She placed sixth in the board examination of certified public accountants in 1987.