(JAN. 25)— The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. (BTMU) awarded scholarships to 15 UP Diliman students for the second semester of Academic Year (AY) 2015-2016 on Jan. 20.
Fifteen scholars were selected from the College of Law (CL), School of Economics (SE) and Cesar E.A. Virata School of Business (VSB). They are: Christine Joy F. Angat (Juris Doctor), Maria Isabela T. Cruz (BS Business Administration and Accountancy/BS BAA), Franciesca Grace V. Cruzado (BS BAA), Andrea T. Dimayacyac (BS BAA), Jerold Jay M. Flores (BS BAA), Ian Nicole A. Generalao (BS Economics), Patricia Aira B. Lao (BS BAA), Genesis Ijay R. Leal (Juris Doctor), Carla Jane G. Lim (BS BAA), James Dominic R. Manrique (BS BAA), Janelle Margaret H. Sentina (BS BAA), Desiree N. Sokoken (Juris Doctor), John Alexander O. Soriano (BS BAA), Rachel F. Tan (BS BAA) and Ana Carina Y. Twaño (BS BAA).
BTMU scholars receive monetary support of P18,000 per semester. This includes allowance for school fees (up to P6,000), book allowance (P1,000), monthly stipend of P1,000 for five months (P5,000), board and lodging (P5,000) and transportation allowance (P1,000).
The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi is Japan’s largest bank and one of the world’s largest with offices through Japan and in 40 countries.
Among those present at the ceremony at the Board of Regents Room were UPD Chancellor Michael L. Tan, Dr. Ben Paul B. Gutierrez, VSB dean; Prof. Niel Kenneth F. Jamandre, Office of Scholarships and Student Services (OSSS) officer-in-charge; Shigemitsu Miki and Yoshiaki Ozawa, Mitsubishi UFJ Foundation chairman and executive director, respectively, Noboyuki Hokimoto, BTMU Manila Branch deputy general manager; and Christine de Leon, scholarship coordinator.
Beneficiaries may continue to receive the scholarship provided they meet the following conditions: must have obtained a general weighted average of at least “2.50” in all subjects taken and without any grade of “5.00” every semester. All grades of “4.00” or “incomplete” must be removed on or before the last day for late registration of the following semester; must carry a minimum load of 15 units every semester; must not transfer to another course or go on leave of absence without prior approval from the OSSS; must not have not been found guilty of violation of any of the rules and regulations of the university, including but not limited to hazing and/or fraternity rumbles, whether on-campus or off-campus; and must submit a true copy of his/her grades to the OSSS at the end of every semester.
Interested students may apply for the scholarship at the OSSS.