(FEB. 7) – The UP Board of Regents (BOR) at its 1341st meeting on Feb. 4 approved the appointments of four UP Diliman (UPD) deans, one of them a re-appointee.
The UPD faculty who will sit as deans of their units for three years are Asst. Prof. Francis Carlos B. Diaz (College of Human Kinetics/CHK), Prof. Hussein Sinsuat Lidasan (School of Urban and Regional Planning/SURP), Prof. Amihan Bonifacio-Ramolete (College of Arts and Letters/CAL) and Prof. Arminda V. Santiago (College of Mass Communication/CMC).
This will be the first time for Diaz, Lidasan and Santiago to serve as deans, while it is Bonifacio-Ramolete’s second term.
Prior to his stint as dean, Diaz was the chair of the CHK Department of Physical Education and is popularly known as the team coach of the UP Softball Team.

Lidasan for his part is a known expert on urban planning and transport planning. He has been sought for his knowledge on transportation infrastructure development strategies.
Santiago for her part is an expert in the field of communication and media, with more than three decades of experience in film and video production work, among others.
Bonifacio-Ramolete, meanwhile is a seasoned theatre performer and puppeteer aside from being a distinguished academician and administrator in UPD.
Diaz, Lidasan and Santiago serve as deans beginning Feb. 4, 2019 until Feb. 3, 2022. Meanwhile, Bonifacio-Ramolete is dean since Jun. 1, 2018 and will be until Mar. 31, 2021.—Mariamme D. Jadloc