
UP NSRI-DAL is 2019 NRCP outstanding institution

The UP Natural Sciences Research Institute- DNA Analysis Laboratory (NSRI-DAL) received the 2019 Outstanding Institution Award from National Research Council of the Philippines (NRCP).

The Award is given to institutions that have dedicated support and initiatives leading to the advancement of basic sciences, the humanities and the arts in the country.

The NSRI-DAL was commended for its pioneering work in promoting forensic DNA technology in the Philippines by validating procedures for handling biological samples thereby expediting the resolution of human identification and kinship issues.

The Laboratory was also cited for developing “a sexual assault investigation kit to collect and to preserve biological evidence from victims in collaboration with the Child Protection Network.”

Established in 1996 through a memorandum of agreement between UP and the then Presidential Anti-Crime Commission, NSRI-DAL provides services in parentage testing and kinship analysis, disaster victim identification and DNA profiling in aid of criminal investigations.

The Laboratory established a Philippine reference database that includes samples from indigenous peoples and mainstream populations while assisting the Philippine Health Research Ethics Board in formulating guidelines for population genetics research.

The official presentation of awardees is set on June 30, via online platform, in celebration of NRCP Annual Scientific Conference and 87th General Membership Assembly.

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