
UP Center for Women’s and Gender Studies (UPCWGS) Statement on the Leaked Contents of a Group Chat Circulating Online

Honor and excellence are imperatives that compel and prevent certain actions. These actions extend to private communication, a barometer of how well we have internalized what the University espouses.

The leaked contents of a group chat allegedly participated in by student members of a UP fraternity are most alarming. The UPCWGS denounces the hegemonic masculinity that the exchanges typify.

We remind all members of the community that the University of the Philippines has a very strong stand against misogyny and sexism. The UP Gender Guidelines emphasize our commitment to advance and uphold gender equality.

We call on the leaders of all fraternities, sororities, and student organizations to ensure that its members are made aware of and adhere to the humane values that the University champions. We enjoin you to hold to account members who have acted in violation of these values.

We ask all other members of the UP community to interrogate and immediately address the ways by which we may be contributing to the breeding and perpetuation of gender and social injustice inside and outside our University.

Patriarchal attitudes and behavior that manifest themselves in slurs and overt acts not only against women, but also members of the LGBTQIA+ community, indigenous peoples, and other marginalized sectors are deplorable and unacceptable wherever they occur, more so in the national University.

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