
STS Month 2018-Ugnayan Special Issue

UP Diliman Science, Technology, and Society Month 2018

After the success of the Festival of Culture and the Arts 2018: Kat(hawan: Bodies, Society, Culture, UP DIliman (UPD) continues the identification of the Philippine body as an important device in knowledge production with Bodies, Science, and Philippine Society or the celebration of the first UPD Science, Technology, and Society (STS) Month.

This time, the Philippine body is explored as a scientific concept grounded in a socio-historical milieu. The series of activities comprising the UPD STS Month 2018 explore how both the natural and social sciences link, problematize and interrogate the Philippine body as an important apparatus for the understanding of inventions and innovations, biological determinism, historical and social memory studies, genetics, nutrition and health.

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