(MAY 26)—Amid the gradual reopening of commerce, a modicum of mobility among citizens had been observed in the last week, as Metro Manila came to life under the modified enhanced community quarantine (MECQ). Anticipating the challenges of a more relaxed MECQ, UP Diliman (UPD) continued its efforts to assist its various publics.
Donation drives. COPE UP raised P63,170.70 as of May 6. The funds were used to purchase personal protective equipment, meal packs and sanitizing products for National Center for Mental Health frontliners.
A non-profit, non-partisan, non-sectarian and university-wide recognized organization raising mental health awareness and providing a supportive environment for individuals inside and outside UPD, COPE UP opened the cash donation campaign “COPE Against COVID” on Apr. 21.
The organization also joined Youth for Mental Health Coalition, Inc., Anxiety and Depression Support Philippines, Mental Health Matters By Kylie Verzosa and Be Healed Foundation, Inc. on May 6 for “Lingap: Donation Drive for Mental Health Service-Users and Frontliners.”
The drive was also in partnership with CWTS Happening, UPD College of Social Sciences and Philosophy Student Council, UP School of Statistics Student Council, UP Psychology Society and UP School of Economics Student Council.
Donations may be through deposit or online bank transfer to Ray Alyannah Lagasca (BDO-00645 0166 923), Kenneth Aranas (GCash-0917 723 0902) or Patrick Wincy Reyes (PayMaya-0906 048 1115).
Donors are requested to send proof of transaction to ymhfinance@gmail.com.
Donations in kind may be dropped off at Unit 507 Dela Rosa Building, Lacson corner Dapitan Sts., Sampaloc, Manila.
COPE UP my be reached at 0915-422-4588, or through Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/COPE.UPDiliman/.
The UP Women’s Football Team’s (UPWFT) fundraising campaign “Utak At Puso Laban Sa COVID” raised P30,300.00 in cash on May 13.
Launched on May 5, UPWFT sought to aid 50 families of UPD vendors and custodians affected by ECQ by providing food packs, sanitizing products and face masks.
Funds may be deposited or transferred to Athena Taningco (BPI-0089138825 | GCash-0998 853 8834), Nadine Dy (BDO-004450657244) or Claudette Noval (PayMaya- 0917 329 0109). For inquiries and/or proof of deposits, email the UPWFT at upwft.diliman@gmail.com.
The team also uploaded fitness and cooking tutorial videos and other activities. Among the videos they shared on their Facebook page were “A Day in the Life of a UPWFT Player with Eva Barnes” (May 6), “Kain Tayo: A Cooking Tutorial with Eunice Eduave” (May 7) and “Fit Friday: Short Workout Session” (May 8).
Academic works. “Kuwentuhan, Kamustahan,” conversations of members of the faculty, students and invited guests of the Department of Anthropology on their daily experiences while on lockdown, was launched on May 14.
Its first episode featured Anthropology professors Madel Landicho, Edwin Valientes and Monica Santos who were under general community quarantine in Batangas and Batanes, and MECQ in UPD, respectively. The talks focused on the situation in their localities, and how their experiences shaped their viewpoints on issues on the pandemic and other present events and issues.
Call for volunteers. A call for volunteers to make face shields in the safety of their homes and dormitories was issued by the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (OVCAA) on May 6.
Deadline for enlistment was on May 20.
OVCAA provided an online instructional video and materials comprising 20 pieces of foam with adhesive tape and two slits, 20 pieces elastic band, 20 pieces of acetate, each with two ready holes and one piece of bond paper with guide marks.
Delivery and pick-up of materials were free for volunteers on campus. However, off-campus volunteers had to shoulder delivery and pick- up costs.
All assembled face shields will be donated to the UP Health Service, quarantine area facilities and other frontline services, Barangay Health Emergency Response Teams and government hospitals.

Assistance program. The UP Asian Institute of Tourism Alumni Association (AITAA), with the AIT Student Council (AITSC), launched AITAA COVID-19 Student Assistance on Apr. 12 to aid AIT students in need due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The application closed on Apr. 22.
From Apr. 12 to 22, the AITSC facilitated the applications of undergraduate and graduate AIT students. There were six applicants and all of them received financial aid accordingly.
The information provided through the Google form (https://bit.ly/COVID19StudentAssistance) were used for communication and verification purposes only. All personal details from the database were deleted at the end of the assistance program.
Food and nutrition. The Cupboard Chef, a compilation of easy to prepare recipes of Filipino favorites and instant upgrades, was posted by the UP College of Home Economics’ (CHE) HRIM 111 students on Facebook on May 4.
Meanwhile, CHE’s Department of Food Science and Nutrition produced infographics on preparing foods high in micronutrients to help boost the immune system, along with creative recipes using food provided in relief packs. These are posted in PadayonND Facebook page:
In or out of quarantine, UPD remains to serve the people.