(SEPT. 30) ̶ The UP College of Social Work and Community Development (CSWCD) recently launched the online version of the “Philippine Journal of Social Development (PJSD) Volume 12 2019”.
“This issue is special because this is the first journal produced by CSWCD’s Doctor of Social Development (DSD) Program which is also celebrating its 10th anniversary,” said one of the issue editors, DSD director Prof. Ma. Theresa V. Tungpalan, PhD.

The 10-article volume is divided into two sections. The first section scrutinizes current social development themes generated from completed DSD dissertations while the second combines complementary concepts that explore innovative ways of looking at development practice.
Section One includes “Kahampatan: Ayta’s concept of development in the context of Indigenous People’s (IP) culture and identity” by Prof. Angelito B. Meneses, DSD; “Towards enhancing capabilities of children of Overseas Filipino Workers to sustain resilience and mitigate vulnerabilities” by Prof. Mark Anthony D. Abenir, DSD; “Examining unpaid care work of women in the sandwich generation: Pathways towards social protection and wellbeing” by Prof. Excelsa C. Tongson, DSD; “Creating Spaces for a Community-Engaged Leadership for Health and Development” by Prof. Meredith del Pilar-Labarda, M.D., DSD; and “Framing Research in Social Development Thinking and Practice: The DSD Experience” by Prof. Teresita Villamor- Barrameda, DSD.

Section Two contains “Engendering Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) in the Context of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda” by Prof. Rosalinda Pineda Ofreneo, PhD; “Grassroots intermediaries in urban informal trading: Brokering for development or stifling dissent?” by Redento B. Recio, PhD; “Learning Tourism Destination: Contributions towards Community Education and Social Development” by Prof. Aleli B. Bawagan, PhD, Prof. Miguela M. Mena, PhD, Prof. Richard Philip A. Gonzalo and Prof. Victor G. Obedicen; “Disaggregated Data: Making sure that excluded peoples are included (The experience of the Las Piñas Persons with Disability Federation, Inc. in participatory data profiling)” by Paul Edward N. Muego; and “Interrogating Human Rights: A Personal Journey in Drafting the Right to International Solidarity” by Virginia B. Dandan, DSD.
PJSD Vol. 12 is the journal’s last printed edition with a limited release and exclusively for DSD’s use. The journal’s online version was launched on Sept. 11 at the CSWCD Audio-Visual Room.
The free online version can be accessed through: http://cswcd.upd.edu.ph/index.php/2019/07/24/philippine-journal-of-social-development-volume-12-2019/. – Text and images by Benito V. Sanvictores Jr.; journal cover design courtesy of CSWCD