
Nov. 16-21: UP’s Period of Recovery



The Office of the Chancellor (OC) of UP Diliman has announced that Nov. 16 to 21, 2020 is declared as a period of recovery and at this time, all classes are suspended. All faculty members are strongly urged to not require anything to their students.

The OC announcement is in compliance with the directive from the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs (OVPAA Memorandum No. 2020-139) declaring the aforementioned week as a recovery period in the aftermath of Typhoon Ulysses, and compassion and flexibility for affected students and extended deadline for the submission of grades as well as a reiteration of suspended academic rules.

Everyone is encouraged to help and or donate to all typhoon survivors in cash or kind or even your service. Those who are interested may get in touch with the Office of the Chancellor ( Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs ( and the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Community Affairs (

Thank you for heeding the call to service, and keep safe!


OVPAA Memorandum No. 2020-139 : 16-21 November 2020 Recovery Period in the Aftermath of Typhoon Ulysses

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