More than 200 constituents of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (HK PolyU) and over 80 constituents of UP Diliman (UPD) and UP Manila (UPM) attended the UP-hosted Langkápan: UP x HK PolyU (Langkápan) on Jan. 4 at the David M. Consunji Theater of the UPD Institute of Civil Engineering.

In 2023, the two universities signed a memorandum of understanding to collaborate on service-learning initiatives. Langkápan is the first formal gathering of the students, faculty members, and staff from both UP and HK PolyU to implement their planned outreach projects. Langkápan is a Filipino term that means collaboration or coming together.
Organized by the UP Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the UP Ugnayan ng Pahinungod (UP Pahinungod), the two universities aim to assist 2,500 students through initiatives in artificial intelligence education, vision screening, and rehabilitation science.

This January, UP Pahinungod Director Ervina A. Espina announced that UP and HK PolyU will serve Krus na Ligas Elementary School (KNLES), San Vicente Elementary School (SVES) and Noh School for Crippled Children (NSCC) in Quezon City.
UP Vice President for Academic Affairs Leo DP. Cubillan recalled an instance when a noisy student was asked to undergo a pass-fail vision screening test, revealing that the student had difficulty seeing clearly.
“He was transferred to the front of the class, and after a year, he was top of the class,” Cubillan said. “Our collaboration demonstrates the education needed in public service, and it has a lasting impact,” he added.
From January 6 to 12, teams will be deployed for the outreach activities: three teams of HK PolyU School of Optometry (SO) students; two teams of UPM National Service Training Program (NSTP) students; and one team each from the UPD College of Science (CS) Literacy Training Service (LTS) students, UPD Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS) students, the UPM College of Allied Medical Professions (CAMP) students and volunteers, HK PolyU Department of Computing (DC) students, and HK PolyU Department of Rehabilitation Science (DRS) students.
From UPM, the NSTP Team 1 was led by UPM Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Bernadette Heizel D. Manapat-Reyes and NSTP Director Josephine D. Agapito of UPM; NSTP Team 2 was also led by Agapito. The team of CAMP students and volunteers was led by CAMP Dean Esmerita Roceles Rotor, Dominic Cheo, and Agapito.
From UPD, the LTS team was led by UPD Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Maria Vanessa Lusung-Oyzon and NSTP Coordinator Jamila B. Abuda of CS. On the other hand, the CWTS team was led by CS Dean Giovanni A. Tapang, William Patrick C. Buhian, PhD, and Abuda.
From HK PolyU, the SO Team 1 was led by Venus Kiu, Charles Li, Norah Chen, and Michael Cheung; SO Team 2 was led by Ken Wan, PhD, Ernie Wong, Melody Tam, and Savio Lee; and SO Team 3 was led by Jason Lau, PhD, Kai-yip Choi, PhD, Vivian Chiu, and Samuel Abokyi, PhD. The team of DC students was led by Service-Learning and Leadership Office (SLLO) Head Grace Ngai and Rina Marie Camus, and the team of DRS students was led by DRS Associate Head Shirley Ngai and Stanley Wu.
Assigned at the KNLES were the teams LTS, CWTS, DC, and SO Team 2. Those assigned at the SVES were the two NSTP teams, SO Team 1, and SO Team 3. The NSCC had the teams CAMP and DRS.
UP President Angelo A. Jimenez encouraged the participants to serve, emphasizing that the actions of public agencies and private organizations affect lives.
SLLO Head Ngai reminded the HK PolyU students of the reason they were being deployed.
“We are here to do service. [PolyU] subsidized you to come here to serve and learn… I challenge you to get to understand the community. Understand the people you are serving,” Ngai explained.

Also participating in the outreach project are the UP Office of International Linkages, the Office of International Linkages Diliman, and the UPD College of Engineering.
The UP Kontemporaryong Gamelan Pilipino and the UP Tugtugang Musika Asyatika performed at the event, while former NSTP Diliman director Dennis F. Quilala with Camus served as hosts.