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UPD Denies Drugs and Crime Rate Accusations


No shabu (methamphetamine) or illegal-drug laboratory has ever operated inside the UP Diliman (UPD) campus; neither has there been information or intelligence reports from the Philippine National Police (PNP) or the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) to back this claim. The UPD Public Safety and Security Office (UPD-PSSO) in 2020 recorded drug-related crimes at only 1 to 2% of security incidents in UPD, and none of the three (3) cases recorded in February 2020 involved UP students, faculty or staff.

Likewise, there is no basis for the claim that UP is a hotspot for crime. In fact, the campus under the jurisdiction of the UPD Police (UPDP) saw a drop of 63% in the number of recorded cases, from 247 in 2019 to only 91 in 2020. The UPD-PSSO supervises over 620 security personnel who perform 24/7 operations around the campus, and has maintained cooperative relations with Camp Karingal and PNP Station 9 in Quezon City over the years, even assisting the PNP in the arrest of a person with a standing Warrant and soliciting assistance from the PNP for self-defense and crime response trainings of its security personnel. This mutual cooperation, facilitated harmoniously in and through the UP-DND Accord, has ensured UP Diliman as a peaceful and drug-free campus environment, where the best minds of the nation are nurtured in freedom and safety.

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