
New training programs at HRDO

(SEPT. 15)—The UP Human Resources Development Office (HRDO) released the second edition of the Online Trainings Brochure, listing the various online training and development programs UPD administrative staff and Research, Extension, and Professional Staff (REPS) can avail of to augment their current skills.

The list includes free online training and paid development programs developed and organized by other local and international agencies and learning institutions. UPD also provides funding for the paid programs on the list.

According to the HRDO, the programs in the brochure aim to “enhance knowledge and develop skills as response to the changes in the work arrangement and operations brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.”

The programs range from technical skills like learning Adobe Photoshop and social media content management to leadership skills development programs for the supervisory level employees to hazard identification risk assessment and control.

Personnel who want to attend the paid programs may ask for funding by submitting a request letter containing the title of the program, funding source, inclusive dates, venue, training provider, cost and justification on how the program will be beneficial for the employee, office and University.

The letter should be addressed to the UPD Chancellor through the UPD Human Resource Development Committee (HRDC) Chair (i.e., Vice Chancellor for Administration) and endorsed by their unit head and their individual unit’s HRDC.

Administrative personnel may request funding under the Administrative Development Fund through the UPD Human Resource Development Committee and send their letter to

REPS may request theirs with the Personnel and Fellowship Committee under the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Development and send them to

The requesting personnel must make sure that the letter is submitted at least 30 days before the scheduled training date.

Personnel with any further questions or inquiries may email the HRDO Training Section at

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