
New guidelines on tuition subsidy

UP Diliman welcomes the memo from UP President Danilo Concepcion, which provides that “no tuition and other school fees shall be colelcted from Filipino undergraduate students” throughout the UP System.  The memo was issued “in the spirit of the recently promulgated Universal Access to Tertiary Education (Republic Act No. 10931) signed into law last Friday by President Rodrigo Duterte.

The new law takes effect only in the next school year, 2018-2019 and would cover all state universities and colleges, but UP decided to bite the bullet and begin the implementation immediately, with the current schoolyear.  An existing tuition subsidy from CHED will be utilized while miscellaneous fees will be shouldered from each constituent university’s own funds.

More detailed guidelines will be released by UP Diliman by tomorrow in relation to ongoing enrollment.

Michael Lim Tan, DVM, PhD
University of the Philippines
Diliman, Quezon City

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