

Each year, the University of the Philippines Alumni Association (UPAA) gives recognition to alumni achievers, as follows:

  • The UPAA Most Distinguished Alumna/Alumnus Award may be given to an alumnus/alumna who, in addition to qualifying for a UPAA Distinguished Alumni Award, also satisfies the criteria for the Most Distinguished Alumna/Alumnus Award described below
  • The UPAA Lifetime Distinguished Achievement Awards are given to senior alumni who have achieved professional distinction and demonstrated meritorious service throughout their career.
  • The UPAA Distinguished Alumni Awards are conferred on alumni who have demonstrated exceptional achievements and outstanding contributions in their chosen field of endeavor.
  • The UPAA Distinguished Service Awards are given to individual alumni and alumni chapters or groups who have rendered exceptional service in the pursuit of the goals of the University and/or the Association.
  • UPAA Multi-Generation UP Alumni Family Awards will be bestowed on families who have produced, as of the end of 2019 and 2020, at least three successive generations of UP alumni.   

Nominations for these awards may be made by any UP alumnus, alumni chapter, or local search committee.  Evaluation of nominees and selection of awardees will be made by the UPAA Search and Awards Committee and affirmed by the UPAA Board of Directors.

The guidelines for these five types of awards are detailed below.


The nominee must satisfy all the criteria established for the UPAA Distinguished Alumni Award described below, and must significantly stand out among the Distinguished Alumni Awardees selected for the year, e.g., if the nominee achieved distinction in multiple professional fields or areas of endeavor, or made a clearly greater qualitative or quantitative impact than other awardees in their professions or areas of endeavor.

In addition, the nominee must have attained national, and possibly international, prestige that has brought honor and distinction to the University and the country.


The nominees, throughout their career (whether completed or nearly so), must have consistently rendered illustrious and meritorious service and achieved distinction in their  areas of endeavor, which altogether clearly made them a credit to their profession and to the University. Furthermore, the nominees should be outstanding citizens who have led exemplary lives.

Given the character of this award, alumni who have retired from service in the public or private sector (but may still be active) may merit higher rating points for the award.


The UPAA Distinguished Alumni Awards are conferred on alumni who have demonstrated, in their chosen field of endeavor, exceptional achievements and outstanding contributions that bring about substantial benefits to society and distinct honor to the University.  Recognition is given to achievements and contributions that impact the community in which the Alumni are or have been active, whether this is at the local, national or international level.

General Criteria for the Awards:

Evaluation of nominees for the Distinguished Alumni Awards will be based on the following general criteria:

SERVICE ORIENTATION – the nominee’s work has clearly benefited other people, groups and society at large, and not merely private or personal interests;

LEADERSHIP – the nominee has demonstrated effective and inspiring personal leadership in accomplishing the work for which the award is being given; i.e., achievements can be attributed more to the person than to the official position/job/title held;

IMPACT – the nominee’s work has had a substantial impact on the people, geographic area, or sector covered by the award, both qualitatively (how deep, lasting or transformative) and quantitatively (how many people or groups benefited within the area or sector);

INTEGRITY – there is no serious concern about, or challenge to, the nominee’s personal integrity.

Award Categories:

The categories for the Distinguished Alumni Awards are delineated in thematic terms rather than along professional lines, and may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Public service and good governance
  • Poverty alleviation and human development
  • Peace and social cohesion
  • Gender equality or women empowerment
  • Community empowerment
  • Environmental conservation and sustainable development
  • Entrepreneurship and employment creation
  • Corporate social responsibility
  • Culture and the arts
  • Science and technology
  • Educational innovation
  • Public health promotion

Awards need not be given in all the categories listed above if there are no deserving nominees. Other fields or areas of award may be considered as defined by the achievements of a deserving nominee.  The UPAA Distinguished Alumni Awards are meant to be a cut above those given to alumni who have achieved successful professional careers. Over and above their achievements, they must deserve the award by meeting the criteria as described above.

The UPAA makes a special effort to identify for nomination those unsung alumni whose achievements in far-flung places in the Philippines or in other countries are exceptional but have remained unrecognized.


The UPAA Distinguished Service Awards are given as a special recognition to individual alumni and alumni chapters or groups who have rendered exceptional service in pursuit of the goals of the University, the Association, and the alumni in general.  In addition to the merits of their contributions, the integrity of nominees shall also be considered.

The UPAA Distinguished Service Award for an alumni chapter may be conferred on an in-country or foreign-based alumni chapter, accredited by the UPAA, for its meritorious and exceptional activities, projects, and other services which benefit not only the chapter members, but also the University, the UPAA, and the alumni in general.


The UPAA will give special recognition to families who have produced, as of the end of 2019 and 2020, three or more successive generations of UP alumni, i.e., grandparent(s), parent(s), child(ren), and/or grandchild(ren).  Regardless of their current place of residence or citizenship, each of these alumni in the family must have spent some years in the Philippines after their studies in UP, rendered some service to the nation, and continued to uphold the principles and values that the University stands for.



Nominations for the different awards are accepted from any UP alumnus or alumni chapter.

In addition to the nominations submitted by individual alumni and UPAA chapters, the UPAA may establish search committees in the different campuses of the University and specific geographic areas to intensify the search for awardees.

Instructions and Important Information for Nominators

  1. Nominations for the Most Distinguished Alumna/Alumnus, Distinguished Alumni Award, Lifetime Distinguished Achievement Award, Distinguished Service Award for an Alumna/Alumnus, and the UP Family Recognition shall be made by accomplishing and submitting three (3) copies of the corresponding nomination forms attached below.
  2. For the Most Distinguished Alumna/Alumnus, Distinguished Alumni, Lifetime Distinguished Achievement, and Distinguished Service for Alumna/Alumnus Awards, documentation in support of the statement of achievements, such as copies of diplomas, certificates, citations, news articles, photographs, etc., may be submitted in triplicate. Three copies of the nominee’s recent passport photograph (2”x2”) should also be submitted.
  3. For the Distinguished Service Award for an Alumni Chapter or Group, there is no need to fill out a nomination form. Instead, the nominator should prepare a statement on the work, achievements, accomplishments, or performance of the chapter or group, all of which form the basis and justification for the nomination.  Supporting documents such as copies of citations/awards, news clippings, photographs, and other materials may be submitted in triplicate.
  4. Nominees must be UPAA Lifetime Members, and UPAA Chapters must be accredited with the Association at the time of their nominations.
  5. Nomination forms, passport photos, and supporting documents should be sent in electronic or digital version through email at, and addressed to:





  1. Nominations should be received at the UPAA office on or before June 30, 2021. Only complete and properly accomplished forms shall be accepted.
  2. The UPAA Search and Awards Committee will deliberate on the nominations and may request additional information or documents from the nominators. The Committee’s decisions are final and are submitted to the UPAA Board for affirmation.
  3. The UPAA will immediately notify the alumni who have been selected for their respective awards. The awardees must write to the UPAA board to confirm their acceptance of the award and their attendance at the awards ceremonies. The UPAA observes the “NO PROXY” policy.

All Alumni Awardees, except Multi-Generation UP Families, are requested to prepare a concise spiel (30 words or less) stating name and title, work, and primary reason for the award. His or her introduction will be based on this during the awarding ceremonies.

UPAA ALUMNI AWARDS 2020-2021 General Information and Guidelines docx


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