WARM-UP (Waymarks for Advancing Research Manuscripts to Unpublished Papers)
Date: Jun 3 | 1:30 PM - 3:30 PMDon’t miss the first session of the UP Diliman (UPD) School of Library and Information Studies Library’s “WARM-UP (Waymarks for Advancing Research Manuscripts to Unpublished Papers)” on Monday, June 3, at 1:30 p.m. via Zoom.
A. B. Gideon N. De Castro, College Librarian II of the UPD University Library, is the resource speaker for this session. He will present the topic “Sighting the Right Tools for Citing.”
To join, register at https://tinyurl.com/UPSLISLibWARMUPSession1 or scan the QR code on the poster.