UPFI’s Artists’ Talk
Date: Mar 19 | 4:00 PM - 6:00 PMThe UP Film Institute (UPFI) invites everyone to the “Artists’ Talk,” with filmmakers Önar Önarsson, Riboet Akbar, and Adjani Arumpac as guest speakers, on Saturday, March 19, at 4:00 p.m. via Zoom.
To join, register at https://bit.ly/UPFI_ManyChickens_Walai_ArtistsConversations.
In celebration of Women’s Month, the UPFI will also have online screenings of the films “Many Chickens, Lots of Luck” by Önarsson and Akbar, and “Walai” by Arumpac from March 18 to 20.
These will be streamed on the UPFI Vimeo page (vimeo.com/showcase/manychickenslotsofluckwalai).