Roundtable Discussion on the International Criminal Court Investigation Into the Situation in the Philippines
Date: Oct 24 | 1:30 PM - 3:00 PMThe “Roundtable Discussion on the International Criminal Court (ICC) Investigation Into the Situation in the Philippines” will be held on October 24, Tuesday, from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m., at Malcolm Theater, UP Diliman.
The discussants are Raul C. Pangalangan, retired judge of the ICC; Sergey Sayapin, PhD, an associate professor at KIMEP University School of Law; Maria Kristina Conti, secretary-general of the National Union of People’s Lawyers; and Lian Buan, senior journalist from Rappler.
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The event is organized by the Asian Society of International Law’s International Criminal Law interest group, in partnership with the UP Law Center Institute for International Legal Studies.