Calendar of Events

Re-thinking Coloniality of Knowledge, Intellectual Imperialism, and Academic Dependency: Steps Towards Decolonizing Knowledge

Date: Apr 17 | 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Catch the Binalot Talks “Re-thinking Coloniality of Knowledge, Intellectual Imperialism, and Academic Dependency: Steps Towards Decolonizing Knowledge” on April 17, Wednesday, 12 p.m., at the Albert Hall Seminar Room 2, UP Diliman (UPD) School of Archaeology (SA) and via Zoom.

The resource speaker is Caroline M. Schöpf of the UPD Department of Sociology.

Scan the QR code to join via Zoom or through its meeting ID: 958 6828 5184, and passcode: BnltZOOM.

The seminar is organized by the SA.

Image from the SA’s Binalot Talks Facebook group