Punlaan: Conservations and a Picnic
Date: Mar 26 | 2:00 PM - 4:00 PMJoin the “Punlaan: Conservations and a Picnic,” a roundtable discussion and picnic for the launch of the UP Vargas Museum’s Gardens and Homesteads Project, on March 26, Tuesday, at 2 p.m.
Interested participants may register at bit.ly/UPVMGardens.
Tonio Flores, a food justice advocate and farmer, and artists Nathalie Dagmang and Issay Rodriguez will join the gardening conversations and activities.
The project is supported by the UP Diliman Office for Initiatives in Culture and the Arts as part of the “UPD Arts and Culture Festival 2024: Pamamalagi at Pamamahagi” celebration.